
Stanford Clinical Microbiology and Virology Rotation

The Microbiology/Virology rotation offers three months of rigorous training in clinical laboratory infectious disease. The rotation covers the major themes and topics of clinical bacteriology, mycobacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology including the principles of specimen collection, transport, and processing; identification and susceptibility testing of bacteria, mycobacteria, and yeast; identification of fungi and parasites; identification of viruses; and the fundamentals of molecular microbiology. These topics are thoroughly covered in faculty didactic sessions, hands on time at the benches, and a series of case studies complete with “unknowns” that require the resident to perform a full microbiology work-up.

The majority of this rotation is spent at Hillview, which houses both the Microbiology and Virology labs. Each morning the resident participates in microbiology and virology rounds in which the team goes from bench to bench identifying and discussing interesting cases and cases that may require additional follow-up. The resident acts as the primary contact with the clinical teams, taking first call for clinical questions addressed to the laboratory and clarifying issues that come up on rounds. In addition, each week the resident goes to Stanford University Hospital to present interesting cases to the infectious disease teams on clinical service.

Stanford Clinical Microbiology
Stanford Clinical Virology

Niaz Banaei, MD
Benjamin Pinsky, MD, PhD

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