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  Related Stanford Sites

There are several administrative offices that assist researchers conducting human subjects research at Stanford University. These offices help facilitate funding or acquisition of research material.

Administrative Offices

Industrial Contracts Office (ICO)

Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) 

Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) 

Research Management Group (RMG)


Education and Other General Resources at Stanford University

Clinical Trials at Stanford

Conflict of Interest Information

Presentations provided to the research community and IRB

STANFORD HRPP presentations, classes, and programs addressing Human Subject Research Protections: To request classes and presentations geared towards your needs, or to request individual appointments contact IRB Education.

Spectrum (Stanford/Packard Center for Translational Research in Medicine)

Stanford School of Medicine Dean's Newsletters

Office of General Counsel

Environmental Health and Safety


Research Policy Handbook
The Stanford University Research Policy Handbook is a collection of policies, guidelines and general information related to the research enterprise at Stanford University, including:


Information Security Office (Data and Computer)
The Stanford Information Security Office (ISO) oversees efforts to protect computing and information assets and to comply with information-related laws, regulations, and policies. See the following ISO resources:


Seal of the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. APB - Biosafety (EH&S) APRS - Radiological Safety (EH&S) Link to Stanford Homepage Link to IRB Homepage Link to RCO Link to Submit a Study Link to Stanford Home Link to RCO Homepage Link to Stanford Homepage