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Branding Activities

Photo Credit: Sebastiaan ter Burg

Students engage with companies when they understand who they are and what they do. A good branding strategy is important, and should be customized to your recruiting goals. The best way to build a brand presence on campus is to start early and engage often. Stanford University offers many opportunities to interact with our students and show them what you are all about.

Opportunities for increasing your brand on campus:

Become a Partner

Partners receive first right of refusal to participate in our branding events to ensure they are maximizing their efforts on campus.

Register to Become a Partner



Attend a Career Fair

Career Fairs are an excellent way for employers to begin building their branding efforts on-campus and connect with Stanford students. Stanford offers 17+ specialized events to fit your needs. 

See our Current Fairs



Stanford Alumni Mentors

Mentoring students is a great way to get an inside view of the student experience while helping them progress in their journey towards transforming education into meaningful work.

Have a Stanford alumni at your company become a mentor with Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM)



Host a Company Visit

Treks take students off campus and into the real world of work in their industry. Take this opportunity to give students first hand knowledge of your company culture.

Interested? Email Us at


Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau is a great opportunity to give us a heads up that you are interested in participating on a panel or giving a talk in your area of expertise.

Coming Soon!



Student Organizations

With 650+ student organizations on campus, connecting with target groups is a great way to let students know who you are. Contact an Industry Specialist to discuss which clubs would be a good fit for your industry.