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Eligible Dependents

If you're an official retiree, not only are you eligible for health benefits but your dependents may be, too.

Eligible dependents include your:

  • Spouse, same or opposite sex, if not legally separated
  • Registered domestic partner
  • Children up to age 26, including:
    • Natural children
    • Stepchildren
    • Legally adopted children
    • Children for whom you are the legal guardian
    • Foster children
    • Children placed with you for adoption
    • Children of your registered domestic partner who depend on you for support and live with you in a regular parent/child relationship
    • Unmarried children for whom you are legally responsible to provide health coverage under the terms of a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)
  • Unmarried children over the age limit if they are dependent on you for primary financial support and maintenance due to a physical or mental disability*, incapable of self-support, and the disability existed before reaching age 19

*You may be asked to provide documentation or proof of disability to your medical plan provider for review and approval of continued coverage. In most cases, coverage for a disabled child can continue as long as the child is incapable of self-support, unmarried and fully dependent on you for support.

Official Retiree Qualifications

Find out if you qualify to be an official retiree