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Other Facilities

Cosmogenic Radionuclide Facility

The Cosmogenic Radionuclide Target Preparation Facility for 26Al and 10Be. This laboratory is housed in the basement of the Mitchell Building on campus, and is administered by Bodo Bookhagen. We anticipate a wide variety of applications for this facility, including erosion rate measurements, surface age estimations, and constraining cosmogenic radionuclide production rates in high-altitude areas. We are open to collaborations with other projects wishing to perform in situ cosmogenic radionuclide measurements.

Geographical Information Systems Laboratory

GIS Packages and Geospatial Data
A Geographical Information Systems (GIS) lab is maintained in Branner Library, and is available for students and researchers. This includes GIS hardware, software and data sets as well as technical support and consultations.

Fission Track Laboratory

Fission track thermochronology is a geochronologic method that yields the time when rock rose through the 2 to 5 km depth window or ~80°-120°C (for the mineral apatite). This low-temperature thermochronometer allows us to collect data at the regional scale to study uplift, mountain building and erosion or on detailed scales to understand the slip history of faults in the brittle crust. The best studies utilizing low temperature thermochronology involve careful integration of field-based mapping, structural studies and balanced cross-sections with laboratory-collected thermochronology data. (U-Th)/He thermochonology is a more recently developed and highly complimentary method for dating exhumation from even shallower depths (~40-85°C) intervals. The (U-Th)/He laboratory resides in our Noble Gas Laboratory. The two methods paired together provide a powerful means of solving many tectonic questions about the P-T path of the upper 10 km of the crust.

Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonace (NMR) Laboratory

The Stebbins group operates two NMR spectrometers dedicated to solid-state studies of geological and technological materials, with wide-bore 9.4 Tesla (400 MHz) and 14.1 T (600 MHz) magnets and fully-equipped three-channel spectrometers. A full range of probes is available, including capabilities of reaching 700 C with MAS and 1500 C with static samples. Also available are solids probe for the SMRL 800 MHz NMR.


Stanford Magnetic Resonance Laboratory (SMRL)

SMRL is a research facility within the Stanford University School of Medicine. The goal of this facility is to provide research instrumentation and expertise in the area of solution-phase, high resolution NMR spectroscopy. 800, 600, and 500 MHz spectrometers are available to qualified users.


Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL)

The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, a division of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is operated by Stanford University for the Department of Energy. SSRL is a national user facility which provides synchrotron radiation, a name given to x-rays or light produced by electrons circulating in a storage ring at nearly the speed of light. These extremely bright x-rays can be used to investigate various forms of matter ranging from objects of atomic and molecular size to man-made materials with unusual properties. The obtained information and knowledge is of great value to society, with impact in areas such as the environment, future technologies, health, and education.