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All public computers are connected to Lane Library's printers. Self service printing, copying, & scanning are available for public at Lane Library.

In addition to printing at Lane, printers are available for SoM students in the Li Ka Shing Center 4th Floor.

Wireless printing to the library printers available at all Lane locations (including 24/7 study space). All wireless device must be registered to connect to Stanford network. Gain access »


If you're printing from your laptop, you need to install a software.


With SU Cash-to-Card system (Pay2Print)

You need to purchase a card to pay for printing and photocopying.

  • Purchase a Cash Card from the vending machine in the Duck Room
  • The vending machine accepts $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00 bills. It does NOT accept coins.
  • There is a $1 fee for the card
  • Purchase and add value to Cash Cards using an iJournal PTA, referencing the Cash Card number
  • Credit the following account for the card amount: 1056643 1 EAFKG 21660
  • Call 498-7526 for assistance, if necessary.

We cannot offer cash refunds for poor quality print jobs or photocopies. User Services Desk staff may offer replacements on a case-by-case basis.