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News and Press Releases

NeuWrite West talks with Mark George, Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), director of the Brain Stimulation Laboratory.
Oct 30 2015 | Stanford Report
Stanford has added a permanent undergraduate training program to this new field “at the interface of life sciences and engineering.”
NeuWrite West speaks with Daniel Dombeck, Assistant Professor of Neurobiology at Northwestern University.
The Stanford team capitalized on the fact that rapidly dividing cancer cells require vast stores of cellular building blocks and that a key regulatory enzyme helps to control tumor cell metabolism.
Oct 20 2015 | Stanford News
Some of education's best minds came together on Sunday and shared research and discoveries that are transforming the way we think about and approach teaching, learning and education.
Oct 16 2015 | Stanford News
The brain changes at different stages of life, and the way we weigh the pros and cons of our decisions changes with it.
Oct 16 2015 | Stanford News
The effects of mental health disorders can alter decision-making processes and compound the symptoms.
Oct 16 2015 | Stanford News
Groups of people make better or worse decisions depending on the composition of the group and experience of the leader.
Oct 16 2015 | Stanford News
The way we express an opinion – verbally, manually or on different devices - can change the very nature of the decision.
Oct 16 2015 | Stanford News
Our emotions can override the brain's calculations, leading to otherwise irrational decisions like charitable donations.
