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News and Press Releases

New book by scholars at Challenge Success describes ways in which schools, teachers and parents can create healthy learning environments for students.
Jul 28 2015 | Stanford News
Students in the Learning, Design, and Technology program at the Graduate School of Education analyze learning problems and then design solutions in yearlong master's projects.
Jul 22 2015 | Stanford Report
A biomedical breakthrough using SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source reveals never-before-seen details of the human body's cellular switchboard that regulates sensory and hormonal responses.
In children with autism, low levels of the hormone vasopressin predict a social deficit that affects their ability to empathize with others.
Depression, substance abuse and other mental health problems account for a much larger share of hospital stays for children and teenagers in the juvenile justice system than for other hospitalized adolescents.
Jul 20 2015 | Stanford News
Mounting evidence suggests that concussions in football are caused by the sudden rotation of the skull. David Camarillo's lab at Stanford has evidence that suggests current football helmet tests don't account for these movements.
Using high-field MRI technology and staining techniques, scientists have located inflamed, iron-containing scavenger cells in a memory-formation structure in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients who died.
Jul 14 2015
Cells pull themselves through the world with the help a complex internal protein scaffold called the cytoskeleton. Given the ubiquitous role of that structure in cell movement – particularly a protein called actin – it seemed likely those same proteins would be involved in helping a group of cells...
Two antioxidant supplements were found to be effective in treating a skin-picking disorder in mice, suggesting they may be useful in people with the condition.
Jul 10 2015 | TedxStanford
Neurobiologist Carla Shatz poses the question of whether we will one day soon be able to make an old brain young? In exploring the question, she shares her groundbreaking research on how brain circuits are “tuned up” during critical periods of development, and how our visual system is inextricably...
