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Letter of Invitation for Visiting Student Researchers

The Letter of Invitation must include:

  • Exact dates of start and finish (Graduate Admissions must be notified if the dates of attendance change and a new letter of invitation with new dates must come to Graduate Admissions.)

  • Monthly VSR fee (see Tuition and Fees)

  • Link to information about Cardinal Care health insurance

  • Signatures of both department chair and sponsoring faculty member

If you wish, you may use the following letter, substituting appropriate text. Remember that VSR Fees are not prorated. Visiting student researchers are charged VSR fees for the full or partial months in which they are in residence.

The file must be received in the Registrar's Office at least 30 days prior to the start of the appointment.

Dear Student,

On behalf of the Department of ___, I would like to extend an invitation for you to join us as a visiting student researcher with Professor ’s>___‘s research group for a period of ___ months beginning ___ and ending ___. Please note that this invitation is contingent on approval by Graduate Admissions, Office of the University Registrar, and may not exceed twelve months.

I have attached a brief description of your responsibilities during your appointment at Stanford. If you have any questions about the work that we expect you will be doing here, please contact Professor <professor's name>.

As a Visiting Student Researcher, you must pay the monthly VSR fees for each full or partial month in which you are in residence at Stanford. The VSR fee for the _____academic year is $____ per month. This fee cannot be prorated, so you will be responsible for the full amount for each month. To ensure that you are protected by health insurance, you will automatically be enrolled and billed for Stanford’s health insurance (Cardinal Care) each quarter you are here. The Cardinal Care fee is $___ per year for the ___ academic year, charged in three payments of $___ (charged at the beginning of Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters.) Information about insurance for Visiting Student Researchers is available from Stanford's Vaden Student Health Center, You will also be charged the Campus Health Services Fee of $___ per quarter. This fee cannot be waived or pro-rated. Stanford University does not accept credit cards for payment of student accounts.

You will receive a student photo ID card that permits entry to and borrowing privileges from the Stanford libraries, use of recreational facilities, use of Vaden Student Health services, and email and other computing services. I have enclosed a Visiting Student Researcher Application Request form that you should complete and return at your earliest convenience. In addition, send a copy of your most recent school transcript and a copy of your undergraduate transcript with degree conferral. International visiting student researchers must submit a legible copy of the passport biographic page(s).

All students must sign a patent and copyright agreement. Please check with <department, program, faculty member, or whomever is appropriate>.

Visiting Student Researchers must abide by all Stanford University policies and applicable laws. Visiting Student Researcher status is a privilege and not a right; this nonmatriculated student status may be revoked at Stanford's discretion at any time.

We look forward to your arrival and trust that your participation in our research activities will be rewarding both for you and the research group as a whole.



Sponsoring Faculty Member