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Visiting Student Researcher FAQ

How do I invite a visiting student researcher?

The following list summarizes the required documentation:

  • Complete Visiting Student Researcher Application Request (or download the Visiting Student Researcher Application pdf)

  • Letter of Invitation (see Sample Letter of Invitation)

  • Copy of transcripts of current graduate work

  • Copy of undergraduate transcript with degree conferral posted or a copy of the degree certificate, or diploma

  • International applicant: a legible copy of the biographic page(s) of the passport. Accompanying dependents must also provide a legible copy of the biographic page(s) of the passport and supporting biographical information as stated in the above International Students section.

Contact Information for Stanford Staff/Faculty:

Susan Maher, Office of the University Registrar

Prospective visiting student researchers should contact the appropriate faculty members to determine interest and feasibility of appointment.

Can visiting student researchers register for classes?

No. Visiting student researchers maintain a visiting student researcher non-matriculated student status, which means they cannot register for courses.

I understand that visiting student researchers are charged a monthly fee however my VSR's appointment will not begin until towards the end of the month. Can the monthly fee be prorated?

No. Graduate Admissions activates and then discontinues a visiting student researcher based on the dates stated in the invitation letter. There are no partial months and visitors' appointments will begin on the first day of the month.

Should the department partially fund the visiting student researcher?

It is the decision of the sponsoring department whether they wish to fund the researcher.

Questions on paying visiting student researchers should be directed to the GFS policy contact in your School. For a list of contacts click on the contacts link in the GFS policy manual.

Can I invite an undergraduate student to be a visiting student researcher?

Yes. Degree-seeking undergraduates at other universities are permitted to engage in research on the Stanford campus but only during Summer Quarter. The appointment can be for any length of time between June 1 and August 31. The invitation process is the same as that for graduate student VSRs. The same fees apply.