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The Stanford Fund Partnership Program


The Stanford Fund (TSF) Partnership program is a unique arrangement between the Office of Development, Student Activities and Leadership and hundreds of Stanford's undergraduate student orgs. Its purpose is to enhance undergraduate student life and improve the experience of donors to The Stanford Fund for Undergraduate Education.

Every year, the partnership provides $ 500,000 of funding for student-run undergraduate programs, connects hundreds of donors to first-person accounts of the Stanford experience and educates student leaders about the importance of stewardship.


  • Eligibility.  Recognized organizations interested in applying should be strong undergraduate organizations that support undergraduate life. Orgs already in the Partnership this year are eligible to apply for funding next year, provided they have made sufficient progress in completing their stewardship commitments.
  • Required Orientation. All organizations wishing to apply to the Partnership must send at least one representative (preferably two) to a required small group session each round. Even orgs who have previously attended the orientation must re-attend; no exceptions or extensions will be given for this requirement. These small group sessions have been designed this year so that we can better explain the process to you.
  • When to Apply?  The prime funding period is the spring preceding the next academic year. All funding for the next academic year (fall, winter and spring) should be requested in the Spring application. A modest fall round is available for unanticipated program needs but preference is given to applications submitted in the spring.
  • When Funds are Received? All financial awards are transferred into your ASSU account at the beginning of the academic year even though an organization's stewardship typically continues throughout the year.  We expect that your org will fulfill its stewardship commitment in a timely basis.
  • How do I Steward My Group's Funds? Orgs accepted into the Partnership program will must create a stewardship fulfillment plan in partnership with Stanford Fund staff each spring.  This process allows you to select what type of activities and timeframe are best for your group to be a successful steward of our alumni donors. TSF staff will use this plan as a reference to check your progress throughout the year.
  • Join the "The Stanford Fund Partnership" portal on CardinalSync. From here you will gain access to the application once you participate in the small group session. We will also use this portal to give you critical information.

2015 Fall Partnership Application Timeline

Application Deadline: Sunday, November 1 at 11:59PM

Workshops will be held the weeks of October 12 (Week 4) and October 19 (Week 5) and are listed on CardinalSync.

One on one meetings will be held the week of October 26 (Week 6) and you need to sign-up for one. 

Application is due on Sunday, November 1 at 11:59 pm. Leaders who attend the workshop will be given access.

Notifications will go out by 5:00 pm on Friday, November 20.

Stewardship meetings will be held the week of December 7 (Week 10). 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much funding is awarded each year?

The Partnership gives out over $500,000 to eligible student orgs every year. The overwhelming majority of those funds are given out in the Spring application cycle. When possible, a smaller application cycle is administered each Fall to allow newer groups to join the partnership, but the amounts given out are much smaller.

How can I use my allocated TSF funds?

Orgs can use their funds as approved during their last funding cycle. If you are not sure what has been approved look for your TSF information accessed from your group's CardinalSync profile. For additional assistance contact one of SAL's Peer Advisors.  Any proposed uses of old funds must meet the TSF policies and received prior approval by SAL.

Please see criteria for TSF Partnership Funding for more specific information. 

What if I would like to change the use of our allocated TSF funds?

Your TSF funds should be used for the purpose designated in your original application and as approved by SAL.  If you would like to use your funds for other purposes, please email Ankita Rakhe with a clear, detailed proposal for a change and an explanation of why you cannot meet he original application use.

Contact Information

  • Ankita Rakhe (SAL): TSF awards, application, orientation sessions, budgets and proposed changes for awards.
  • Rob Anderson (TSF): Letter writing and stewardship fulfillment.