MinT Fellows

MinT Fellows laugh together at a a training workshop

About MinT Fellows

A MinT Fellow will

  • have a clearly articulated TA support role within the department that is formally approved by the faculty member with oversight responsibility for TA training.  Sometimes they are Head TAs.
  • complete Autumn training (typically in two half-day sessions) to develop the skills and tools needed for effective mentoring of TAs.
  • contribute to the continued success of the MinT cohort by participating in the 1–2 follow-up MinT events each quarter.
  • reflect on the successes and challenges encountered in the Teaching Mentor role, resulting in a document summarizing the Mentor's impact over the year.
  • receive a formal letter of recognition from CTL at the end of the academic year.

As they serve their departments and develop as mentors, MinT Fellows stay connected to teaching, often long beyond their own TA responsibilities, in a low-impact manner consistent with their appropriately expanding scholarly research efforts.  Beyond the contributions that MinT Fellows make to their respective departments, the time commitment for participation in the program is small (approx. 15 hours over the academic year), and all MinT tasks and activities will be completed within the workshops and follow-up meetings. 

How do I become a MinT Fellow?

If  you are interested in becoming a MinT Fellow, we ask that you attend all future MinT events and contact the MinT Coordinator, Jennifer Schwartz Poehlmann, about your interest.

See Also