Majors & Minors

During your undergraduate career, you have the ability to customize your completion of the Major requirement to best suit your individual and academic preferences. Many of the choices in this regard are choices between pursing breadth of academic study or a more in-depth approach to a particular field. As you consider these options, avoid thinking about accumulating credentials. Instead look for the course of study that will help you produce a coherent academic program based on your interests and goals.
More about your options
The choice of a major is one of the most important decisions you will make at Stanford. It can also be among the most difficult. Above all else, your major should excite you intellectually; it should focus and deepen your most important academic interests.
Minors add breadth and coherence to an undergraduate education. In conjunction with a major field, a minor can help students achieve a more well-developed expertise in related areas of study.
The coterminal degree program at Stanford allows you the unique opportunity to begin work on a master’s degree while you are finishing your bachelor’s degree.
Learn more about the choices between pursing breadth of academic study or a more in-depth approach to a particular field.
Students with diverse or multiple areas of interest might consider adding breadth to their academic program by choosing to add a double or secondary major.
Stanford will begin offering undergraduates the opportunity to pursue a new Joint Major in computer science and a number of humanities disciplines, starting in fall 2014. Our goal is to give Stanford students the chance to become a new type of engineer and a new type of humanist.