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Paragon Legal, A New Model (B)

Paragon Legal, A New Model (B)

Shelley Correll, Debra Schifrin, Sarah Soule
2012|Case No.OB81B

The (B) case reveals Mae O’Malley’s decision to grow her law firm, Paragon Legal, in the San Francisco area for two to three years, and then think about expanding to new geographical areas. O’Malley wanted Paragon Legal to grow organically so it could maintain control over its brand and focus on recruiting top talent. She also wanted her executive team to get to know Paragon Legal attorneys well in order to put them into positions that would both match their professional goals and give clients exactly the type of attorney they were looking for. However, O’Malley’s outlook was opportunistic – if the right person emerged to lead an office in a new area, O’Malley would seriously consider it. This case is available for purchase from ECCH.

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