Quick Steps: Replenish Petty Cash in iOU

Who does this?  Stanford Petty Cash Custodians

When?  Petty Cash Custodians need to report the uses of and replenish petty cash funds.

How?  Using the Petty Cash module of Stanford's online iOU System. Learn about getting access to iOU Petty Cash Module.



Replenish Petty Cash in iOU (7 steps)

step 1

Launch the iOU Petty Cash module from Stanford’s Oracle Financials system:

  1. Launch Oracle Applications: https://ofweb.stanford.edu.
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password.
  3. Select responsibility SU iOU Public.
  4. From the iOU Home page, click Petty Cash tab.
step 2

Complete General Information screen:

  1. Select Yes to Are you sending backup documents.
  2. Complete Payment Handling information.
  3. Enter the Business Purpose.
  4. Click Continue button.
step 3

Complete Expense Lines screen:

  1. Under the Lines section, enter the Receipt No.
  2. Enter dollar Amount for the expense line.
  3. Enter the Payee.
  4. Enter the Transaction Date.
  5. Enter Remarks if appropriate.
  6. Under the Allocation section, enter the Project, Task, Award, and Expenditure Type for the expense line.
  7. To split allocations for a line expense, click Add Allocation Line button.
  8. To add additional expense lines, click Add Expense Line button.
  9. Click Continue button.
step 4

An approver is required for each PTAE used. The iOU system will provide you with routing options.

Complete Approver Routing screen:

  1. As required, click Add Line button to add additional approvers. Select Approver or FYI for each individual added.
  2. As required, select an approver to designate a sequential or parallel routing Sequence Number.
  3. Enter Action Comments as needed.
  4. Click Continue button when the approval routing is complete.
step 5

Review / Edit transaction from Transaction Review screen:

  1. Click Edit button for the section(s) you wish to modify.
  2. Click Submit button when all edits are complete.
step 6

Print bar code Confirmation page.

  1. Click Print button.

  2. Note:  The Confirmation (bar code) page provides confirmation that the transaction has been successfully completed.
step 7

Attach backup documents to your iOU petty cash transaction:

  1. Gather copies of the receipts that support your request.
  2. Place the Confirmation (bar code) page on top of your backup documents.

  3. Note:  The Confirmation (bar code) page must be page 1 of your fax.

  4. Fax the confirmation page and backup documents to the designated fax number on the Confirmation (bar code) page.
  5. Check the transmission status of the outgoing fax. A status of OK confirms that the fax has been sent successfully.
  6. Check Transaction Review page to confirm backup documents were attached.

  7. Note:  Within minutes of sending the fax, the online images can be viewed in iOU.
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What Happens Next?

  • Receipts and backup documents are electronically attached to iOU transactions using a standard fax machine.
  • Transactions requiring backup documents will not be routed to an approver until documents have been faxed in and electronically attached. If the backup documents are not received and the originator has indicated that backup documents will be attached, the iOU system will send an email within 24 hours indicating that documents have not been received.
  • The bar code sheet can be reprinted in the future to fax additional documents if necessary. To reprint the bar code page, click the Reprint Bar Code button on the bottom section of the Transaction Review page.


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