Room Equipment and Resources

EdTech offers numerous resources available in the classroom as well as several reserveable resources that can be delivered to your session upon request. Items denoted with an asterisk (*) must be requested to be added to your reservation through our scheduling office.

Assisted Listening Devices *

Assisted listening devices (ALDs) are provided upon request for sessions in ALD-capable spaces. Audio from the room's A/V system is broadcast wirelessly to the listener's device.

Audience Microphones

Lecture halls typically include additional audience microphones to be used in situations where audience responses need amplification to be heard in larger lecture halls, or in situations where the audience's audio needs to be recorded by the video capture system in the room.

Audience Polling Devices *

Audience polling devices can be used with Turning Point software to gather real-time responses from a live audience. Responses can gathered using a variety of question types, including multiple choice, true false, likert, numerical, and "moment to moment". Polling devices are ideal for gathering feedback, conducting informal assessments, or taking attendance.

Audio Conferencing *

Several classrooms and conference rooms support audio conferencing. Some spaces require reservation for a VOIP phone, while others have audio conferencing equipment permanently installed in the room. Audio conferences held in the LKSC can also be recorded upon request.

Ceiling Microphones *

Ceiling microphones are built into all of the classrooms in the LKSC. Although ceiling microphones are disabled by default for privacy reasons, they can be enabled upon request so that audio from the audience (such as questions and discussion) can be recorded by the video recording system.

Digital Ink

All lecture halls feature tablet monitors that support digital inking. Digital ink can be used to easily annotate PowerPoint slides, or thought of as a "digital" version of transparencies for overhead projectors. Digital ink allows quick access to any inking color for the perfect color for any annotating need.

Digital Document Camera

Most lecture halls include a digital document camera stored in the lectern that can be projected in the classroom. Digital document cameras are great for projecting real-life objects such as handouts or models. The cameras also feature high levels of magnification for enlarged projection of small objects and details, and content projected through the document cameras can also be recorded by the video recorded system (in recording-capable spaces).

Flexible Classroom Layouts *

All classrooms in the LKSC as well as several others in other buildings are designed to support flexible furniture layouts. Rooms can be configured for case style lectures, small group discussions (clusters of 6 people), and more. Some rooms can also be divided in half as well in cases where additional smaller rooms are needed, such as for breakout sessions.

Headphones *

EdTech stocks a limited number of headphones that can be delivered to your room reservation upon request. Headphones are ideal in group settings where learners need to listen to individual audio sources on laptops, such as watching videos, listening to heart sounds, or playing educational games.

Portable Exam Tables *

Portable Exam Tables can be provided for sessions using standardized patients or for demonstrating other patient encounters and exercises (such as a physical exam) inside the classroom.

Click below to watch a video on how to set up a portable exam table.

Student Laptops *

EdTech stocks several dual-boot Macbook Pro laptops for use in the LKSC that can be set up in the classroom upon request. Laptops are often used for information literacy sessions, online testing, accessing special software (such as statistical analysis software and medical multimedia), and more.

Video Conferencing *

Several spaces support videoconferencing over IP or ISDN. While some spaces have videoconferencing equipment built into the space, others require the AV Technology group to set up a portable videoconferencing unit. Contact the EdTech scheduling office for details.

Video Recording *

Automated video recording is offered in all LKSC classroom spaces. Recording begins and ends automatically based on your scheduled reservation, and is available free of charge. A camera in the back of the room records the speaker, and a separate feed of the projection is captured as well. These two feeds are also combined into a single synchronized side-by-side video as well.