CourseWork Content Policies

Printing Requirements for Courses

CourseWork has a policy that instructors post all content necessary for the educational requirements of the course, but this should not be the only means to access required reading materials. 

Course Information

The "Homepage" on a course's CourseWork site is essential for giving the curriculum consistency in the kinds of information that is on a course website. The standard information that should be included on the homepage include:

  • Course director name, office, phone, email

  • Teaching Assistant(s) name, email

  • Course number and Axess registration code

  • Lecture and lab or meeting times and location

  • Course Schedule (in PDF and/or Word)

  • Course Requirements - Grading Policies

  • Course Objectives - Overall and by session

The above information is collected by the course coordinator and it is the responsibility of the course coordinator to ensure that accurate information is posted to their CourseWork site's "Homepage". A generic template is set up by the Educational Technology CourseWork team for required MD courses' CourseWork sites, however, any changes and updates should be made by the course coordinator.

Posting Curriculum Materials

The Educational Technology CourseWork support staff and course coordinators all work toward supporting the course websites and getting critical learning materials up on the sites in a timely manner. Course coordinators should understand that the content should be ready for posting within 1 to 2 days before it is required that the students have access, and have agreed to a flexible work schedule in order to accommodate these types of requests. The policy for posting content on a website is within 24 hours of receiving a digital document via email or from a server drop box. The CourseWork support team will work with the course director, coordinator and TAs to confirm a service level agreement verifying the types of content that need posting and the procedure for obtaining content. If the content involves the creation of quizzes or more detailed multimedia content, faculty and teaching assistants should expect to deliver the materials with enough time for support to create and post materials and should set up a schedule as to the expected posting deadlines.

Video links to courses and the MP3 downloadable files are typically posted by 7 p.m. the day of the lecture. For more information on video services please see our Video Capture and Streaming Policy.

Grades / Scores

Grades and scores may posted on the CourseWork as a convenience to students and faculty in order to communicate in a timely matter student feedback essential in their progress. Also, since the Gradebook Tool in CourseWork currently allows for confidentiality based on the login of the user, students can only see their own scores. The process for entering grades is as follows:

  1. Course Coordinator will request/add the grade book feature for their CourseWork site.
  2. The information can be of various nature (numeric, percentages, comments, URL to Kerberized space for documents). The file can be created in Excel or other spreadsheet program and imported into CourseWork, or entered directly into CourseWork.
  3. The required field for matching to the database is the students SUNet ID username, and should be the first column in the spreadsheet.
  4. Any number of columns can be included in the Excel file, but should be named so the students will understand the grades/scores.
  5. The file can then be imported into CourseWork's Gradebook using the "Import" functionality. Further assistance can be requested by submitting a HelpSU request.

It is essential that faculty know that if they request that their final exam scores and grades are posted on CourseWork, they still need to upload the file through Axess ~ Stanford University's registration system. This is the responsibility of the faculty, course directors, and/or course coordinators (only faculty have accounts for this system). Also, student data including their email, SUID can be downloaded in an excel format from Axess, so faculty should be familiar with the program early in the quarter.

CourseWork Access Policy

CourseWork is a curriculum resource for the School of Medicine faculty, curriculum staff, and matriculated students. The courses on CourseWork consist of any required courses, elective courses, clerkships, and other various programs. A course director or coordinator must manually create a course site for it to exist (it is not created automatically). The curriculum content is available for students while they are matriculated in the program. If an instructor chooses, they can make the CourseWork site available after the term has ended to students who have taken the course previously.

CourseWork provides access for Stanford University and other Stanford schools undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in School of Medicine courses. Access to CourseWork sites is determined by Axess enrollment, and students must ensure that they are properly enrolled in Axess for the course prior to its start. Auditors and guests may request to be manually added to a CourseWork site.

Copyright and Agreement

The following policy applies to all curriculum materials located on CourseWork and all account holders. Legal council requires that all users be in agreement with this policy in order to maintain their account for CourseWork. This notice is also posted on all courses.

Stanford University School of Medicine course materials are intended for curriculum and course-related purposes and are copyrighted by the University. Appropriate access to this content is given for personal academic study and review purposes only. Unless otherwise stated in writing, this content may not be shared, distributed, modified, transmitted, reused, sold or otherwise disseminated. These materials may also be protected by additional copyright; any further use of this material may be in violation of federal copyright law. Violators of this policy will be referred to the Committee on Professionalism, Performance, and Promotion for disciplinary purposes.

Review this policy and the interpretations of what this means for you at Course Content Access and Appropriate Use Policy.