Mini-Grants Archive


The School of Medicine's Educational Technology group awarded mini-grants annually from 2004 through 2012. Mini-grants were awards of typically $1,000-$8,000 that could be used towards development/creation of an educational project designed to enhance learning.

Each year, awards were designed to be focused on a new technology that EdTech determined to be worthwhile exploring. Areas of focus have included: eBooks, educational games, instructional videos, and educational apps.

What is awarded?

A mini-grant award typically included:

  1. Consultation with EdTech staff to help strategically plan a project
  2. Up to $8000 to fund technical development, project management, and support for this project

What are some successful examples of previous EdTech mini-grant projects?

  • (2011) iPad-friendly Digital Anatomy Lab Manual with video pro-sections and annotated images
  • (2011) first-person perspective videos of plastic surgery procedures

Mini-Grants Archive

Our goal is to support every Medical School course via the web both administratively and with rich content based learning tools.

Stanford University School of Medicine is currently conducting a yearlong Display Wall pilot project to understand the current state of visualization technology and its application in medical education, research, and clincial practice. PDF: DisplayWall Examples

Healing Hearts
Students in the School of Medicine used Educational Technology support and the Educational Technology Studio to scan materials and create a documentary movie on the young patient artists and the results of their experiences.

Go Digital!
Educational Technology offers free 35mm slide, film, and x-ray scanning to help faculty convert their curriculum materials to digital formats. Contact Educational Technology for details.

This project aims to develop web-based teaching tools to strengthen translation of new scientific developments to patient populations and to the community at large.

Virtual Pathology Lab
PI: Andy Connolly, MD, Pathology
Educational Technology Special Project Grant to develop virtual slide box and organizational content to teach pathology to students in the Human Health and Disease course.

The goals of this project are to design, develop, implement and evaluate a web-based nutrition curriculum that vertically integrates nutrition concepts and principles into both the preclinical and clinical curriculum.

Evidence-Based Practice Online
Using the CWP as a prototyping tool, Keith Posley developed an interactive tutorial and feedback system to help medical students in clerkships apply EBP to their own patient cases.

MP3 Downloads of Lectures
Educational Technology began offering audio versions of videotaped lectures so students can listen to lectures on an Ipod or other MP3 player. This project was very successful and MP3 is now a standard offering for videotaped lectures.

M112 Classroom Design and Outreach
Educational Technology and the Office of Facilities Planning and Management designed and built the M112 Team Learning classroom. This room provides the technology and flexibility to accommodate a wide range of teaching formats, such as audience polling, digital ink for PowerPoint, small group learning with laptops, and live demonstrations with document cameras.

Ambulatory Medicine Clinical Cases
Dr. Peter Rudd converted cases into computer-assisted instruction for self-paced learning in the Ambulatory Medicine clerkship.

Molecular Pathology Laboratory
Dr. Iris Schrijver used Special Project Support to create an update an online molecular pathology lesson for Clinical Pathology residents. This content was created originally with a SUMMIT LearningTech minigrant.

Web-Based Cardiac Anatomy Videos
Dr. Silverman used special project support to convert his collection of cardiac anatomy videos into a web-accessible format for the CWP. The site is a resource available for the Human Health and Disease course.

M104 and M106 Classroom Technology Outreach
Educational Technology supported and provided outreach for the redesigned M104 and M106 lecture halls to enhance presenters' capabilities at the podium. Faculty now have a new tablet monitor with digital inkdigital document camera, and high-quality projectors in the rooms. The initial redesign project was completed by the Office of Facilities Planning and Management and SUMMIT and its LearningTech group.

Radiology Course Team Learning
Garry Gold and Terry Desser, course directors for the Rad221 course, worked with Educational Technology to convert their course from lecture-based to an interactive team learning format. Students worked together in teams on computers to annotate images and present their findings to the rest of the class.

SUMMIT - LearningTech Minigrants (no longer available)
Prior to the creation of Educational Technology, the LearningTech group within SUMMIT supported minigrants for the development of special curriculum-related projects. SUMMIT is a center in the School of Medicine dedicated to putting Stanford University at the forefront of medical and life-sciences education through the innovative use of information technology. They achieve this through research and curricular project development; working in partnership with faculty, students and research groups. Some examples of SUMMIT minigrants include:

  • Interactive Histology Slides were developed and posted on the CWP so students have a full set of interactive slides they can click through and identify cell and tissue structure
  • Medical Ethics Website created interactive case-based instruction in the Practice of Medicine course
  • Web-based Surgery Patient Cases were developed to help students simulate patient encounter decision-making, lab interpretation, clinical test ordering, radiographic interpretation and relationship to fundamental anatomy