Student Trainees

In the Department of Pediatrics

For Divisions who receive requests from high school students, undergraduate students, medical students, and other student trainees to work with you over the summer, we have compiled a summary of the pathways in which students can work with faculty in the lab environment. 

The Student Trainee policy has been revised for 2017 based on the work of a committee of faculty and staff in the department. This committee has reviewed best practices in policies and programs for summer students, and has worked closely with our School of Medicine Human Resources Group on the revisions. Our hope is that the revised policy will allow faculty to provide students with robust learning experiences. 

 Key changes to the policy in 2017 include:

  1. The type of student who is eligible as a Student Trainee has been expanded.
  2. The type of learning experience a student may have in the lab has been expanded.
  3. Faculty sponsors and the supervisors of students are encouraged to attend training and development sessions.

In order to maintain complaince with HR and University regulations, we have provided this information to you online to reference.

How to Apply?

Now accepting Summer 2017 requests for Student Trainee/Interns.

Contact Us

Student Trainee Policy 2017

Key changes to the policy in 2017 include: type of student who is eligible, type of learning experience a student may have in the lab, Faculty sponsors and the supervisors of students are encouraged to attend training and development sessions.

Student Trainee Eligibility & Appointments

One of the most common pathways that is used during the summer months is to bring a student here as a Student Trainee. The appointment process for a Student Trainee is very long and complicated.

Student Casual/Temporary Employees

Whenever possible, we encourage you to appoint students as Casual/Temporary Employees. Appointment as employees is a much easier process, and students are able to both learn and work without any violation of labor standards.