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Startup Garage

Students collaborating in Startup Garage course

Startup Garage is an intensive hands-on, project-based course in which students design and test new business concepts that address real-world needs.

Students learn to apply the concepts of design thinking, engineering, finance, and business organizational skills. Our aspiration is to help teams identify unmet customer needs, design new products or services that meet those needs, and develop business models to support the creation and launch of new products or services.

This course is appropriate for developing startups in the for-profit and nonprofit spaces. Even those teams that do not successfully launch a venture or that decide not to move forward will learn critical techniques about starting and launching a venture. Over the two-quarter course, teams will interact extensively with the teaching team and a handful of seasoned advisors they chose.

By the end of the course, teams will have developed, prototyped, and tested a novel product or service, a business model, and a company creation plan. This is a demanding course that pushes students but provides the resources to help them navigate the challenges of implementing an early-stage startup idea.