Bulletin:  New Way to Grant Oracle Reporting Authority (Posted August 11, 2009)

Available Now! Grant Oracle Financials Reporting Authority Based on Award Type

A new feature has been added to the Authority Manager application. This new feature allows you to limit the ability to view reports based on:

  • gift or endowment funds only;
  • sponsored funds only;
  • all funds except general funds;
  • and more.

Grant authority by award type using the "Reporting Award" privilege (for both salary and non-salary views) in Authority Manager.

Step-by-Step Instructions

For instructions on how to grant authority based on Organization, Principal Owner, Project or Project-Task, Award, and now Award Type, see Quick Steps: Grant Authority for Oracle Financials Reporting.


If you have questions or need help, please submit a HelpSU ticket. Select Request Category Administrative Applications and Request Type Authority Manager.

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