ARCHIVED Bulletin: FY09 Year End Close Deadlines for the Week of 9/7/09 through 9/12/09 (Posted September 4, 2009)

September 7 ~ September 12, 2009
Deadline Who / What
Monday 9/7, 9:00 am


Daily reporting based on August-2009 Month End Close will be available.

Saturday 9/12, 5:00 pm

iJournal Originators (with Specialist Responsibility):

Originate iJournal and iBudget fund transfers

iJournal Approvers:

Approve iJournal and iBudget fund transfers

What to Expect the Following Week

September 14 ~ September 18, 2009
Deadline Who / What
Monday 9/14, 11:59 pm


Year End "Hard" Close (YEC) for expenditures is complete.

Tuesday 9/15, 7:00 am

Schools and Departments:

End PTA Maintenance Blackout

Tuesday 9/15, 9:00 am


  1. Daily reporting based on Year End Expenditure Close (including August Month End Close results) will be available on-line.
  2. Final Expenditure Detail Reports will be distributed in hard copy later in September. The reports will include all PTAs active in the fiscal year.

Friday 9/18, 2:00 pm

Budget Officers:

Submit final fund transfers received from schools and departments to Fund Accounting

For More Information

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