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12.3.5 Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault

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Refer to Stanford's Administrative Guide 1.7.3, to the extent required and applicable in the country of operation.

12.3.4 Respectful Workplace Policy

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Applicable in the country of operation.

12.3.3 Global Payroll

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Stanford or its affiliated entities will establish payroll procedures in each country that are in compliance with law and appropriate for University or affiliated staff. Country-by-country procedures will be maintained with University Payroll or the affiliated entity.

12.3.2 Global Definitions

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This policy applies to Stanford University employees at least 50% time with an appointment of at least 6 months, whose primary work location is outside of the US. The employee may be paid by a Stanford out-of-country organization or affiliate (in-country hire), or in rare cases may be paid in the U.S. (U.S. hire working abroad). Benefit eligibility may be determined by each country’s law.

12.3.1 General Global Personnel Policies

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Management has the responsibility to assure that any University-affiliated operation adheres to laws and regulations in each country.

University managers should request the services of legal counsel through the Office of General Counsel (OGC) to provide advice on general business and employment-related matters. The OGC will provide resources for competent legal advisors in each country. Global HR Programs is available to consult on employment related matters. Business and financial resources are available through Global Business Services.

12.2.12 Global Staff Development Program

12.2.21 Global Telecommuting

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Employee requests to work in a location outside of the United States for an extended period of time require the legal authority to work in the requested country. Sponsorship of work authorization outside of the U.S. is complicated, time-consuming and often not possible depending on each country’s immigration laws.

If the appropriate work immigration status can be obtained, approval of the Dean, Vice Provost, or Vice President of the school/unit and the school/unit’s Human Resources Manager is required to proceed. Global HR Programs and Global Business Services must be consulted regarding employee requests to telecommute outside the country of hire prior to any decision, as the viability of each request is considered based on individual circumstance (such as the employee’s country of residence and/or citizenship, possible dual citizenship, etc.). Work authorization and tax rules in other countries may make such arrangements cost-prohibitive regardless of the level of approval. Any agreement must contain information regarding the University’s right to end the agreement if necessary. Refer to Administrative Guide Memo 2.1.21 for more information about general University telecommuting policy.

An agreement between the telecommuting employee and the employee’s home department is required, and will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Global HR Programs has draft agreements that include language necessary for global telecommuting situations. The telecommuting agreement may be modified or terminated at any time, with appropriate notice.

12.2.20 Relocation of Global Faculty and Staff

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The University may provide relocation assistance for newly hired or transferred staff when it is appropriate based on programmatic need and budgetary constraints of the University or its affiliated operation. Any such expense reimbursement should be documented in the offer or assignment letter. Relocation expenses may be covered with an allowance or by requiring documented receipts of expenditure. In all cases, the University and its affiliated entities will follow each country’s tax rules regarding taxability of relocation payments.

12.2.19 Administrative Review Policy

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Does not apply to global employees.

12.2.18 Global Military Leave

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Each country has its own requirements for maintaining employment during a period of military leave. Stanford and its affiliates will be in compliance with law in the country of work. Please contact the unit HR Manager and/or Global HR Programs if military leave is requested outside of the US.


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