February 8, 2016
Added text to Guide Memos 10.1.1 and 10.2.2 to specify that when students receive a university research award, they should follow department policies if other students are hired (i.e., for transcription, coding, etc.).
10.1.1 Undergraduate Student Employment
Section 4.a., Hiring, Paying and Supervising Students:
New text inserted at end of subsection: "Students who receive a university award that includes funding to hire undergraduate students to complete hourly work (e.g., coding, transcription, or other effort associated with academic projects) are subject to these policies. In such cases, the department should manage the funding and hire the student hourly employee."
10.2.2 Graduate Student Hourly Employment
Section 3.a., Hiring, Paying and Supervising Students:
New text inserted at end of subsection: "Students who receive a university award that includes funding to hire graduate students to complete hourly work (e.g., coding, transcription, or other effort associated with academic projects) are subject to these policies. In such cases, the department should manage the funding and hire the student hourly employee."
December 18, 2015 Update
AGM 2.1.6: Vacations
- Throughout: clarified the policy applies to "regular staff" employees vs. "employees."
- Throughout: updated URLs to other Guide Memos and to other websites.
- Applicability: added a sentence clarifying that the policy does not apply to contingent staff employees.
- Section 1.a.: Revised section name from “Definition of Period of Service” to: "Period of Service for the Purpose of Determining Vacation Accrual Rates” and reformatted text, adding 1.a.(1) and 1.a.(2).
- Section 1.c.: Revised chart column headers for Non-Exempt staff to: Qualifying Service Non-Exempt Staff; Per House on Straight Time Pay Status; and Approximate Days Accrued per Year.
- Section 1.d.: Reformatted text, adding 1.d.(1) and 1.d.(2). Minor changes to clarify vacation does not accrue during specific periods.
- Section 1.e.: Reformatted text, adding 1.d.(1), 1.e.(2), 1.e.(3) and 1.e.(4).
- 1.e.(1): Deleted outdated chart and added language to this section to clarify what happens when vacation accrual reaches the maximum.
- 1.e.(3): Clarified that any exceptions to the accrual maximum can only be granted by the Vice President for Human Resources.
- 1.e.(4): Minor text changes to clarify meaning.
- Section 2.b.: In third sentence, deleted “requirements” and inserted “operational needs” when referring to departments and scheduling of vacations.
- Section 2.b.(2): Revised first sentence to: Exempt Employees: “Vacation time is generally not reported in increments of less than four hours.”
- Sections 2.d & 2.f: Inserted the word “accruals” after “vacation” to clarify meaning.
- Section 2.g.: Revised section name “Terminal Vacation Payment” to: “Vacation Payment Upon Termination” and added new sub-sections to clarify circumstances by which vacation is paid in a lump sum and circumstances and eligibility criteria related to terminal vacation. Reformatted, adding 2.g.(1), 2.g.(2), 2.g.(2)a., 2.g.(2)b., 2.g.(2)c. and 2.g.(2)d. New text was added in each of these sub-sub-sections.
- Section 2.h.: Revised the first sentence to add “An approved” when referring to a leave of absence without pay.
- Section 3: Simplified the Guide to Supervisors, adding language to clarify updating vacation leave records is the employee’s responsibility, directing supervisors to termination references and indicating that employees view vacation accruals in Axess or on their pay statements.
November 2, 2015 Update
AGM 3.2.1: Responsibility for University Funds
- Retitled from “Authorizing Expenditures”
- Added new Section 5: “Expenditures of Gifts” with new content
- Throughout: minor text changes that do not change policy meaning, and updates to URLs
AGM 5.4.1: Expense Advances
- Authority change to Sr. Associate VP for Finance from VP for Business Affairs & CFO
- Added new content in Section 1.c.: “All advances for travel must include supporting documentation detailing the estimated travel expenses. Human Subject incentives greater than $200.00 per subject cannot be advanced and must be processed as a direct non-purchase order payment in the Expense Requests system.”
- Retitled Section 2.c. from Check Delivery to Delivery of Funds
- Added new Section 3: Expense Reporting, moved 1.e. and 1.f. to this section; added link in 1.e. to Fingate on how to clear advances.
AGM 5.4.2: Travel Expenses
- Authority change to Sr. Associate VP for Finance from VP for Business Affairs & CFO
- Reorganized content from 15 sections to four sections, with Section 2 titled Roles and Responsibilities and Section 3 titled Policies
- Added new subsections to Section 3: Principles: Reasonable and Necessary Expenditures and Economical Transportation Required, which included new text and clarifying text throughout, along with new links to get further details on Fingate and on the Dean of Research websites
AGM 5.4.3: Reimbursable Expenses
- Title change to “Reimbursable Expenses” from “Reimbursement of Expenses”
- Authority change to Sr. Associate VP for Finance from VP for Business Affairs & CFO
- Clarifying content and links added throughout; content reorganized into one section (from two), with three subsections: Stewardship of University Resources, Reimbursable Expenses and Non-Reimbursable Expenses. Content under "Reimbursable Expenses" that was previously in paragraph form now presented in table form.
AGM 5.4.4: Petty Cash Funds
- Authority change to Sr. Associate VP for Finance from VP for Business Affairs & CFO
- Clarifying content and links added throughout; content reorganized into four sections (from seven): Overview and Purpose, Principles, Uses of Petty Cash Funds, and References