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Mark L. Bajus


Mark L. Bajus

Ph.D. in Spanish


Mark L. Bajus holds a B.A. in Spanish from Concordia University, Nebraska and an M.A. in Hispanic Literatures from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His  research focuses on modern Iberian literature with an emphasis on poetry and theater.



Barletta, Vincent, Mark Bajus, and Cici Malik, eds. and trans. Dreams of Waking: An Anthology of Early Modern Iberian Lyric Poetry. Chicago: U of Chicago P, In Press.

“Cuentos no tan tontos: La crítica económica en los Cuentos tontos para niños listos de Ángela Figuera Aymerich.” Hispania 91.4 (2008): 805-14.

“Gloria Fuertes’s Vietnam War Poems: Revising the Elegiac Tradition.” In Her Words: Critical Studies on Gloria Fuertes. Ed. Margaret Persin. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2011.