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Campus Partner Programs

Students in an Urban Studies course

The following opportunities, offered through various campus departments and centers, are focused on public service or can be used to support a student’s proposed public service-related experience:

The Stanford Global Studies (SGS) Division offers highly qualified Stanford students an opportunity to extend classroom knowledge of the world, to immersive cultural and working experiences through the Global Studies Internship Program. Program identified internship positions cover a wide range of fields, including business, non-profit, media, education, medicine, art, technology, science and government.

The Bill Lane Center for the American West offers a multitude of opportunities for undergraduates and graduating seniors to work with organizations throughout the West dedicated to tackling the abundant environmental, economic, and social challenges facing the region.

The FEED (Food Entrepreneurship, Education and Design) Collaborative, a program administered by the School of Earth Sciences, is launching a summer fellowship program in partnership with the Haas Center. Fellows will work directly with the co-directors of the FEED Collaborative and with the leadership of the Peninsula Food Innovation Group on projects related to designing a more sustainable local food system.

The Urban Studies Summer Fellowship provides undergraduates with the opportunity to complement their academic studies with a full-time, paid internship experience during the summer at an organization of their choice. Preference will be given to Urban Studies majors, but all Stanford undergraduates are eligible to apply.

UAR Major Grants can be utilized to support community-based research opportunities connected with a student’s honors thesis or senior project.

Internship stipends are available to continuing Stanford Public Policy students interested in completing an unpaid summer internship with a public or non-profit organization. Eligible students must be in good academic standing, have completed sufficient coursework in the Public Policy core curriculum, and the internship must be related to the student’s program of study or career plans.

The Stanford Global Student Fellows program is a new initiative from the Freeman Spogli Institute. The program seeks to offer Stanford undergraduate and graduate students funding to pursue research and internships related to international policy and international affairs.

The Handa Center for Human Rights and International Justice is pleased to offer undergraduate Human Rights Fellowships for Summer 2016. These fellowships are directed toward highly motivated students with a clear focus on a specific issue in the field of human rights or international justice. This opportunity is intended to enable students to make a valuable contribution either in partnership with a relevant organization or through community-based research, with the guidance and supervision of Stanford faculty.

Summer Internship Grants are available to undergraduate students interested in completing an independent internship in Latin America. Grants are generally dispensed for summer projects, but may be considered for alternative timing as well.

The Center for African Studies and Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) in Cape Town offer summer fellowships to students who have participated in the BOSP Cape Town program (Winter and/or Spring Quarters) and seek to continue their research or community engaged learning in Cape Town over the summer months.

The Advancing Gender Equity Fellowship allows students to apply what they have learned about gender, diversity, and social justice through their academic and/or extracurricular work.  Students will engage this learning during a summer practicum experience working with a nonprofit organization or government agency on social, political, or economic issues affecting women.

The Earth Systems Public Service Summer Fellowship allows students to apply what they have learned through interdisciplinary environmental studies and further engage this learning during a summer internships experience working with a nonprofit organization or government agency.

energyStartup Internships: Actively contribute to the development and deployment of innovations that aim to tackle the energy, food, water, and environmental challenges facing society. (undergrads and masters)

TomKat/StartX Innovators in Residence: As a team, work at Stanford/StartX to develop your innovation that aims to tackle the energy, food, water, and environmental challenges facing society.  Allowing you to advance it from the ideation stage towards the deployment stage. (undergrads only)

Energy Impact Fellowship: As a team, work at Stanford to undertake an innovative project that quantifies economic opportunities and develops actionable solutions that will assist disadvantaged communities benefit from transitioning to sustainable energy, food, water, and transportation systems. (undergrads only)

The CRSE Community-Based Research Fellowship facilitates the development of innovative student research experiences in collaboration with community partners to address community-identified concerns. Enhancing this experience through faculty mentorship and training in community-based research methods, students will develop a research internship that is community-supported and engages issues of race and ethnicity.

For students interested in private sector solutions to international development, SEED offers internships with small to medium sized businesses in Africa participating in the Institute's Transformation Program.

Provides invaluable experience to Stanford students interested in pursuing careers as arts professionals in various aspects of administration, production, and management. Placements are available in San Francisco, New York City, and Washington, D.C.

The Precourt Institute for Energy offers energy-related, fully funded, public service internships within governmental organizations in California.

Sponsored by the Carnegie Institution Department of Plant Biology Evans Maise Genetics Lab and Science in Service. Interns will learn about plant reproductive biology and will conduct a research project in this area. Interns will also participate in the K-12 science education outreach efforts of the lab through workshops on curriculum development with the Science in Service Program at the Haas Center for Public Service, and will develop plant biology lesson plans for local schools.

VILA partners Stanford students with organizations in Quito, Ecuador that work to address the needs of street and working children. VILA volunteers prepare for their summer in Ecuador during the spring with a class that focuses on the situation of children in Ecuador and also addresses program preparations.

Dosti offers an annual summer program in India where a small group of students work toward addressing the needs of a community, particularly in elementary education.

The Bing Stanford in Washington Program provides undergraduates the opportunity to study and work in our nation’s capital. Students intern in government and non-government organizations during the day, take classes taught by Stanford faculty and national policy experts in the evenings, and participate in cultural events and activities on the weekends.