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Additional Program Information

Living Arrangements

Students are asked to be flexible regarding their living situation which may include homestays with local families, hotel or hostel arrangements, group living quarters, or a combination of these options. Host families often include younger or older children, elderly grandparents or other extended family. Trip participants may be asked to share a room with host siblings or other family members.

Travel Information

Participants are responsible for purchasing their roundtrip international flight. A prearranged group flight will depart for the host country from San Francisco or another designated city, and students will return on a group flight as well after the completion of the trip. All students must arrive in their host country on the designated group flight that has been prearranged by the Impact Abroad program. Accommodations cannot be made for individual students arriving outside of the designated group flight. Students wishing to extend their travels after the duration of the program, or who want to return to a location other than San Francisco, may do so at their own expense.

Trip Expenses

Lodging, in-country transportation and most meals are included in the listed program fee (with the exception of Indonesia). All participants are responsible for meeting the designated cost of their trip, as well as their individual airfare by the designated deadlines.

Participants are strongly encouraged to plan in advance for additional expenses outside of the program fee and airfare. Additional pre-departure expenses that participants should anticipate include passport and/or visa fees, international entry/exit fees, medical vaccinations, and necessary personal items such as sunscreen, medications, toiletries, etc. Additional in-country expenses may include personal gifts, excursions and activities, phone cards, etc. Students should plan accordingly for the amount of money they anticipate needing over the duration of the program.

Financial Aid

All students who demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid, will be accommodated. Applicants will be notified of their financial aid award upon acceptance to the program.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact Jon McConnell.