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Current Projects

New or multi-year projects are underway each year, determined by a strategic planning process that involves leaders and all members of the extended HR community as well as input from employees gathered through surveys and focus groups. This listing of projects are the current primary focus of the HR community:

Current Projects Project Launch Target Audience For More Information

Affordable Care Act Compliance

Complying with the federal government's requirements associated with affordable health care is affecting strategic plans for health care. The initiative began in 2014 when dependent coverage was extended to age 26, and continues through the implementation of the federal excise tax in 2018. Articles are included in the monthly employee newsletter.

2014 - 2018 Benefits-eligible employees and retirees Visit the Cardinal at Work website, ACA section.

Cardinal at Work Website

In Phase 2, the Cardinal at Work website expanded to be the single online destination for employment-related information.

The StanfordCareers website will be redesigned in Phase 3.

September 22, 2015 (Phase 2)

January 2016 (Phase 3)

Employees & Retirees, and those impacted by legislation (e.g., CA legal changes, ACA)

Prospective Employees

Visit the Cardinal at Work website.

Job Posting Library

Creation of a library of staff job postings based on the library of staff job descriptions for use in recruitment efforts.

TBD HR managers, HR administrators, Hiring Managers Email Staffing Services:  or 650-723-1888.

Learning Prescription

To ensure compliance requirements for training are met, individuals with roles that have required training will be automatically enrolled in the training.

Winter and spring quarters, 2016 All individuals using our Learning Management System (STARS) Submit a HelpSU request to Learning Solutions Group.

Stanford Careers Website Redesign

A redesign of the Stanford Careers website, used by over 125,000 job applicants each year seeking staff employment.

Spring quarter, 2016 All prospective staff and current staff looking at job opportunities Email

University-wide Staff Engagement Survey

A survey of all staff members will take place in October, 2015, conducted by a third party research vendor. Results will be used in many ways:

  • Measure overall staff engagement
  • Surface workforce priorities and inform strategic planning
  • Help identify action steps to strengthen the employee experience 
  • Help identify employment-related programs, services and plans needed for Stanford's valued workforce

Leaders will be briefed in December, 2015 with university-wide results broadly shared in January 2016.

Results to be announced broadly in February 2016 All Staff Visit the Cardinal at Work website, Connect section.

Tuition Grant Program (TGP) Portal

TGP for qualified, benefits-eligible employees dependent(s) pursuit of an undergraduate education at an accredited college will have a comprehensive website available to:

  • Submit a TGP application, required for each academic year
  • Track the status of the application
  • View payments made directly to the dependent's college
  • Get information about discounts offered, such as for textbooks
February 2016

Benefits-eligible employees qualified for TGP

Email or visit the Cardinal at Work website, Learn & Grow section.


Ongoing Projects Timing Project Information For More Information

Celebrating Staff Careers

Annual event held the Thursday prior to Memorial Day each year. Employees who served 30, 35, 40, 45 or 50 years based on the previous calendar year Visit the Cardinal at Work website, Career Celebrations section.

Performance Management @ Stanford

Implementing across all schools and units on an ongoing basis after starting in 2012. All Staff in participatings schools and units Visit the Cardinal at work website, Performance Management section.

University HR Service Team

On-site specialists answer questions and help to resolve problems associated with health and retirement benefits, leaves, tuition and training programs, and more. Began in January 2015. All benefits-eligible employees and retirees See the many ways to reach team members in the Cardinal at Work website, Contact Us section.

Contact Us

If you have questions about UHR projects, please send an email to