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Mar 9 2016
A downloadable PDF of March 2016 Music events with descriptions has just been published, for posting wherever it might be of use. For the latest event info, visit our Upcoming Events feed. Many of our events are free!
Feb 24 2016 | Stanford News
Stanford Report recently featured a video by Kurt Hickman highlighting University Organist Robert Huw Morgan, with his comments on two of the organs in Memorial Church and musical samples played on those organs that demonstrate their tonal characters.
Feb 10 2016
The Stanford Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble concert originally scheduled for March 4th has been rescheduled for the following evening, Saturday, March 5th, in Dinkelspiel Auditorium.  The special guest appearing with the Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble for this performance is legendary pianist / arranger Oscar...
Hamburg University of Music and Theater has voted unanimously on January 13th to bestow on Stanford emeritus faculty John Chowning the honorary degree of
Jan 21 2016 | Stanford News
The Stanford New Ensemble was featured in a recent Stanford Report article by Robin Wander, who discusses the Ensemble's adventurous programming with director Joo-Mee Lee, as well as the not-so-typical venues being used for their performances — their Fall concert took place in the casual Oak Lounge...
