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Linda Uyechi

Lecturer in the Perspectives in North American Taiko seminar, Faculty Advisor to Stanford Taiko, Performing Member: Jun Daiko (charter member), San José Taiko (1996-1999), Stanford Taiko (charter member 1992-1996). Founder and Director Summer Taiko at Stanford (1999- 2015). North American Taiko Conference Advisory Board member (2005 - 2013) and invited presenter (1997, 2005, 2011). TCA (Taiko Community Alliance) Board member (2013 to present).

Stephen M. Sano

Director, Chamber Chorale and Symphonic Chorus. Nationally and internationally invited master class teacher in conducting and choral music, guest conductor and adjudicator in choral music; has conducted master classes and performances with festival, honor, and collegiate choirs, orchestras, and other instrumental ensembles from over 20 states as well as from England, Germany, Austria, Australia, Canada, and Japan.

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