About the Berlin Program

Berlin Program Introduction
Stanford’s very first study abroad program was established in Beutelsbach, Germany, in 1958. Since then, the German program has changed markedly – not surprising in a host country that has itself undergone multiple transformations in the past century alone. By the mid-1970s, the program settled in the capital of Berlin, where it is housed in the historic Haus Cramer in the district Dahlem.
Learn More
Start with a high-level introduction to the program. Learn more about the academic program, including academic prerequisites, related on-campus coursework, local learning opportunities, course credit, and cultural events and trips.
As you begin to think about your time abroad, take the time to learn about the things that will surround you. Your meals and accommodations, the local culture, and the daily city life are all important aspects of the program outside of academics that you should experience and learn from.
Important dates including Arrival/Departure, Orientation, First Day of Classes, Finals, and Holidays. Please check these dates carefully when planning your travel to and from the program, and also be aware that some dates are different from those of the corresponding quarter on campus.
Student Ambassadors share their first-hand experiences about the program, what led them to choose the program, and some of the challenges they faced while studying abroad. Dive deeper into 'a day in the life' while abroad, as a particular student experience may help you decide if this program is right for you.