
What is an Introductory Seminar?
Introductory Seminars, sponsored by VPUE Stanford Introductory Studies, offer small-group courses taught by esteemed faculty to freshmen and sophomores. They are offered in a wide range of disciplines, in more than sixty departments and programs and all seven schools of the university. Many fulfill general education, WAYS or writing requirements (Write 2). First-year students, sophomores and first-year transfer students sign up for Introductory Seminars, submitting a statement of interest for their first ranked seminar, beginning August 1. Faculty select their class list from the students who sign-up.
Explore IntroSems
The catalog of 2016-17 Introductory Seminars is now available. Stanford Undergraduates are invited to sign up by submitting a statement of interest for consideration.
Esteemed faculty from across the campus teach these small class size seminars.
With seminar offerings in sixty departments, it's hard to decide which one to take. We can help.
Learn more about seminar preference by class.
Find out how IntroSems can help fulfill Ways breadth requirement.
Many IntroSems feature hands-on field trips that provide real-world experience.