
ME20N Haptics with Prof. Allison Okamura, presentations of freshman seminar  projects
About IntroSems
Since 1997, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE) has sponsored courses from all seven schools to introduce first- and second-year students to the concepts and methods of a discipline in a small group setting focused on the research interests of the faculty.
Teaching an Introductory Seminar (IntroSem) is a rewarding experience. Learn more about the personal and professional benefits.
Submit a new seminar or renew an existing seminar for the upcoming year.
Find out more about the resources that Introductory Studies provides to faculty, including supplemental funding and academic technology support.
The Introductory Seminars Excellence Award recognizes a student or project group who demonstrates exceptional engagement, skill and achievement. Learn how to make an Excellence Award submission and view past recipients.
The Introductory Seminars program collaborates with course and departmental administrators to manage the PeopleSoft and CourseLeaf/CLSS records of IntroSems.