Who Can Take an IntroSem

Preferences by Class Year


Freshmen will have priority for freshman preference courses, but can be admitted to sophomore preference courses if space available.


Sophomores will have priority for sophomore preference courses, but can be admitted to freshmen preference courses if space available). Sophomores who have not participated in Sophomore College in September (Autumn quarter) will be given admission preference for later quarters.


First-year transfer students will have the same priority status as sophomores.

What is the difference between "N" and "Q" in the course catalog number?

N = Freshman Introductory Seminar (e.g., BIO 33N)

Q = Sophomore Introductory Seminar and Sophomore Introductory Dialogue (e.g., ESS 61Q)

WRITE-2 Seminars

  • Completion of a Write-2 IntroSem will satisfy the University's Second level Writing and Rhetoric requirement, Write-2.
  • These courses are primarily limited to students who have completed the first level Writing and Rhetoric requirement (PWR 1) and have not yet fulfilled (PWR 2) Write-2. 
  • The class rosters (ADD/DROP) for these courses are managed by Stanford Introductory Studies (SIS).