Excellence Awards

About Excellence Awards

2013-14 Excellence Award winner for BIO 17N

Introductory Seminars Excellence Award recognizes a student or project group who demonstrates exceptional engagement, skill and achievement.

Excellence award submissions

Faculty nominantions for courses taught in 2015-16 are currently being accepted with this webform.

Make a Submission


As a guideline, below are the most frequently cited criteria collected from past nominations:

  • Demonstrates intellectual complexity and scholarly achievement
  • Makes the excitement of the project come alive
  • Addresses a complex topic creatively and from multiple perspectives
  • Produces outstanding work beyond the frosh/sophomore level
  • Exceeds the faculty member's expectations, and
  • Exemplifies the kind of work that is made possible by the engagement of students and faculty on a topic of shared interest

All submitted work will be reviewed by the Introductory Seminars advisory board in the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE) following the end of the academic year. Nominations will be considered by category and level of seminar (Freshman or Sophomore).


Excellence Award Winners