Stanford Biosciences students talking

Career Events

As you take your thesis research forward and as your interests develop, you may be interested in some of the professional-exploration programs available to you.

  • Assessments, Guidance, and Review: prepare for career-exploration events by taking advantage of the School of Medicine Career Center's self-assessments, one-on-one appointments, and CV/résumé review
  • Biotechnology Industry Day: recruitment opportunity for organizations in the life science and medical fields, hosted each spring by the School of Medicine Career Center
  • Career Discussion Dinner Series: opportunities for small group discussions with leaders in medical and life sciences, with topics ranging from the latest research to career-development advice
  • Company Site Visits and Information Sessions: chance to speak with representatives and learn first-hand about their organizational culture, research, and offerings

For more information on these events and other offerings, contact the School of Medicine Career Center.

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