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Glenn R. Carroll

Laurence W. Lane Professor of Organizations
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Professor of Sociology (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences
Academic Area: 
Organizational Behavior

Research Statement

Glenn Carroll’s research addresses basic questions of organizational theory, strategic management, and organizational and industrial evolution. His most recent project studies socially constructed authenticity – how consumers and others value authenticity, how consumers search for authenticity in products and services, and how consumers interpret organizational behavior and structure as reflecting authenticity.

Research Interests

  • Authenticity
  • Organizations
  • Organizational Culture
  • Strategy
  • Evolution

Teaching Statement

Carroll enjoys teaching Critical Analytical Thinking, Organization Design and Strategy in MBA programs and Executive Education programs. He will teach a new class in 2015-16 on Leading Through Culture. His classes typically involve the application of theoretical ideas to real-world settings and managerial problems. He has supervised a number of business cases, including companies such as Caterpillar, Nike, GlobeOp, Coppersea, Attune Foods, Illy Caffe, Cocoa Pete’s, Wind River Systems, the American Heart Association, Agilent Technologies, Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream, American Craft Brew International, and the Mendocino Brewing Co.


Glenn Carroll grew up in Indiana and attended Indiana University, followed by Stanford University, where he received his doctorate.  Carroll has been on the faculties of Brown University, the University of California, Berkeley, Columbia University and Stanford University.  Carroll has visited many universities and institutes outside the US, including the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the National University of Singapore.  He has taught executives from many corporations, large and small.

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, Stanford University
  • MA, Stanford University
  • BA, Indiana University

Academic Appointments

  • Laurence W. Lane Professor of Organizations, Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2001-present, (Professor in 2000)
  • Professor of Sociology (by courtesy), Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 2000-present
  • Chair (part-time), Durham Business School, Durham University, Durham, U.K., 2004-present
  • Dean’s Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore Business School, Singapore, 2009-2013
  • Professor II, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, Norway, 2003-2009
  • Professor, Management Division, Columbia Business, Columbia University, 2004-2006
  • Professor (by courtesy), Department of Sociology, Columbia University, 2004-2006
  • Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 1989-2000
  • Director of Ph.D. Program, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 1989-1996
  • Associate Professor, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 1986-1989
  • Assistant Professor, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 1982-1986
  • Affiliated Faculty Member, Department of Sociology; Faculty Associate, Institute of Industrial Relations; UC Berkeley, 1982-2000
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology; Director, Social Science Data Center, Brown University, 1982

Awards and Honors

  • Max Weber Award, American Sociological Association, 2002
  • Doctor Honoris Causa (Applied Economics), University of Antwerp, 2002
  • Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1997-1998
  • Cheit Award for Teaching Excellence, 1995 & 2000
  • Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, 1990
  • Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1987-1988


Journal Articles

David W. Lehman, Balázs Kovács, Glenn R. Carroll. Management Science (Articles in Advance). June 4, 2014.
Balázs Kovács, Glenn R. Carroll, David W. Lehman. Organization Science. 2014, Vol. 25, Issue 2, Pages 458-478.
Glenn R. Carroll, Mi Feng, Jeroen Kuilman. Sociological Science. 2014.
Giacomo Negro, Fabrizzio Perritti, Glenn R. Carroll. American Journal of Sociology. 2013, Vol. 119, Pages 790–832.
Glenn R. Carroll, Magnus Thor Torfason. City & Community. March 2011, Vol. 10, Issue 1, Pages 1-24.
Sandy Bogaert, Christophe Boone, Glenn R. Carroll. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. December 2010, Vol. 31, Pages 15-150.
Balázs Kovács, Glenn R. Carroll. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 2010, Vol. 16, Issue 1, Pages 29-60.
Glenn R. Carroll, Olga M. Khessina, David G. McKendrick. The Academy of Management Annals. 2010, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Pages 157-203.
Glenn R. Carroll, Dennis Ray Wheaton. Research in Organizational Behavior. 2009, Vol. 29, Pages 255–282.
Özegan Koçak, Glenn R. Carroll. American Journal of Sociology. March 2008, Vol. 113, Issue 5, Pages 1272-1315.
Olga M. Khessina, Glenn R. Carroll. Organization Science. 2008, Vol. 19, Issue 1, Pages 25-38.
Richard Harrison, Zhiang Lin, Glenn R. Carroll, Kathleen M. Carley. Academy of Management Review. October 2007, Vol. 32, Issue 4, Pages 1229-1245.
Christophe Boone, Glenn R. Carroll, Arjen van Witteloostuijn. Industrial and Corporate Change. 2004, Vol. 13, Issue 1, Pages 117-148.
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, Glenn R. Carroll. Industrial and Corporate Change. 2004, Vol. 13, Issue 1, Pages 213-242.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll, László Pólos. Sociological Theory . December 2003, Vol. 21, Issue 4, Pages 309-340.
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, Glenn R. Carroll. Administrative Science Quarterly . September 2003, Vol. 48, Issue 3, Pages 399-432.
Stanislav Dobrev, Glenn R. Carroll. Strategic Management Journal . June 2003, Vol. 24, Issue 6, Pages 541-558.
David G. McKendrick, Jonathan Jaffee, Glenn R. Carroll, Olga Khessina. Administrative Science Quarterly . March 2003, Vol. 48, Issue 1, Pages 60-93.
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, Glenn R. Carroll. Organization Science . 2003, Vol. 14, Issue 5, Pages 463-482.
Stanislav Dobrev, Tai-Young Kim, Glenn R. Carroll. Organization Science . 2003, Vol. 14, Issue 3, Pages 264-282.
Glenn R. Carroll, J. Richard Harrison. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. December 2002, Vol. 10, Pages 349-368.
Christophe Boone, Arjen van Witteloostuijin, Glenn R. Carroll. American Sociological Review. June 2002, Vol. 67, Issue 3, Pages 408-431.
Stanislav Dobrev, Tai-Young Kim, Glenn R. Carroll. Administrative Science Quarterly. June 2002, Vol. 47, Pages 233-264.
J. Richard Harrison, Glenn R. Carroll. Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. May 2002, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Pages 5-30.
László Pólos, Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll. Industrial and Corporate Change. 2002, Vol. 11, Issue 1, Pages 85-115.
Glenn R. Carroll, Stanislav Dobrev, Anand Swaminathan. Research in Organizational Behavior. 2002, Vol. 24, Pages 1-40.
Glenn R. Carroll, Stanislav Dobrev, Anand Swaminathan. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie . 2002, Vol. 42, Pages 381-413.
Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan, Arjen van Witteloostuijn. Bedrijfskunde. 2001, Vol. 73, Issue 4, Pages 31-37.
David G. McKendrick, Glenn R. Carroll. Organization Science. 2001, Vol. 12, Issue 6, Pages 661-682.
Christophe Boone, Vera Broecheler, Glenn R. Carroll. Organization Studies. March 2000, Vol. 21, Issue 2, Pages 355-382.
Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan. California Management Review. 2000, Vol. 42, Issue 3, Pages 148-163.
Glenn R. Carroll, Anand Swaminathan. American Journal of Sociology. 2000, Vol. 106, Issue 3, Pages 715-62.
Glenn R. Carroll, J. Richard Harrison. Administrative Science Quarterly. September 1998, Vol. 43, Issue 3, Pages 637-667.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll, Stanislav Dobrev, Joon Han. European Sociological Review. 1998, Vol. 14, Issue 3, Pages 279-302.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll, Stanislav Dobrev, Joon Han, John C. Torres. European Sociological Review. 1998, Vol. 14, Issue 3, Pages 303-313.
Glenn R. Carroll, Lyda Bigelow. Social Science Research. December 1997, Vol. 26, Issue 4, Pages 377-398.
Glenn R. Carroll. Industrial and Corporate Change. 1997, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Pages 119-143.
Glenn R. Carroll, Albert C. Teo. Academy of Management Journal. April 1996, Vol. 39, Issue 2, Pages 421-440.
Glenn R. Carroll, Albert C. Teo. Industrial and Corporate Change. 1996, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Pages 619-644.
Glenn R. Carroll, Lyda Bigelow, Marc-David Seidel, Lucia Tsai. Strategic Management Journal. 1996, Vol. 17, Pages 117-137.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll. American Sociological Review . August 1995, Vol. 60, Issue 4, Pages 539-544.
William P. Barnett, Glenn R. Carroll. Annual Review of Sociology . 1995, Vol. 21, Pages 217-236.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll, Elizabeth A. Dundon, John C. Torres. American Sociological Review. 1995, Vol. 60, Issue 4, Pages 509-528.
William P. Barnett, Glenn R. Carroll. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization . 1993, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Pages 98-126.
William P. Barnett, Glenn R. Carroll. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Organizations. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 1993.
William P. Barnett, Glenn R. Carroll. Administrative Science Quarterly. 1987, Vol. 32, Issue 3, Pages 400-421.


Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, Glenn R. Carroll Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007.
J. Richard Harrison, Glenn R. Carroll Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006.
Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Glenn R. Carroll, David J. Teece New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan Oxford University Press, March 30, 1995.

Book Chapters

Glenn R. Carroll, Kieran O'Connor.... Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014.
Glenn R. Carroll. Market Entry, Competitive Dynamics, and Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011, Pages 124-127.
Glenn R. Carroll, Mi Feng, Gaël Le Mens, David G. McKendrick. Categories in Markets: Origins and Evolution (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 31). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010, Pages 203-233.
Glenn R. Carroll, Mi Feng, Gael Le Mens, David G. McKendrick. Handbook of Organizational Research Methods. Newbury Park: Sage, 2009, Pages 213-229.
Glenn R. Carroll, Olga M. Khessina. Handbook of Population. New York: Plenum/Kluwer, 2005, Pages 451-478.
J. Richard Harrison, Glenn R. Carroll. Dynamics of Organizations: Computational Modeling and Organization Theories. Menlo Park and Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001, Pages 37-62.
J. Richard Harrison, Glenn R. Carroll. The International Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate. New York: John Wiley, 2001, Pages 185-216.
Glenn R. Carroll, David J. Teece. Firms, Markets and Hierarchies: The Transaction Cost Economics Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, Pages 3-13.
Glenn R. Carroll, Pablo T. Spiller, David J. Teece. Firms, Markets and Hierarchies: The Transaction Cost Economics Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, Pages 60-88.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll. Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, Pages 17-32.
Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan. Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, Pages 195-214.
Anand Swaminathan, Glenn R. Carroll. Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, Pages 223-243.
Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan. Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, Pages 3-16.
Glenn R. Carroll. Organization in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, Pages 183-194.

Other Publications

Glenn R. Carroll. Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. On-line: Wiley (On-line), 2015, Vol. On-line.
Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan. International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 17, Pages 358-363.
Glenn R. Carroll, Jesper B. Sørensen. Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Palgrave, 2014.
Glenn R. Carroll. International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Newbury Park: Sage, 2007.
Glenn R. Carroll, Olga M. Khessina. Handbook of Entrepreneurship: Disciplinary Perspectives. New York: Kluwer, 2005, Pages 167-200 .

Courses Taught

Degree Courses


This course examines organization culture, how and why managers can use culture to maximize results within an organization, and how culture can undermine results. The course begins by situating cultural leadership and management within a culture-...


The Critical Analytical Thinking (CAT) seminar helps develop and hone the skills needed to analyze complex issues, to formulate well-reasoned arguments and to evaluate others€™ arguments. In sections of 18 students or less, you will analyze,...

Programs and Non-Degree Courses
  • Businesses today operate in an international environment—global markets, suppliers, alliances, and partnerships. The basic principles of management are universal, but they are often interpreted and applied differently in other parts of the world. This program focuses on the strategic challenges faced by businesses operating in a Pan-Asian or global context. It combines the fundamentals of general management theory and practice from the United States with an Asian-Pacific perspective. The program is held in Singapore.
  • Carroll has designed and directed several high-level custom executive education programs for global Fortune 50 companies, including Caterpillar and General Motors. Approximately a year long, these programs typically engage a cohort of top and high potential executives in multiple modules taught at various locations throughout the world. The programs review, apply and integrate basic principles of management including critical analytical thinking, innovation and adaptiveness, personal leadership, strategy, supply chain, institutional analysis and organizational design. The programs culminate in high-profile action projects that intend to impact current and future corporate performance.

Stanford Case Studies

Coppersea: Emergence of the Microdistillery Movement | SM233
Glenn Carroll, Davina Drabkin2014
Innovation at Caterpillar: The D7E Tractor | SM223
Glenn R. Carroll, David Hoyt2014
Nike Sustainability and Labor Practices 2008-2013 | IB106
Glenn Carroll, Debra Schrifin, David Brady2013
Attune Foods: Challenging the Goliaths with Authenticity | SM200
Glenn Carroll, Xavier Lederer2011
Gruppo illy SpA (B): Università del Caffè | SM188B
Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang, Hayagreeva Rao2010
Illycaffè and Gruppo illy (A): Expanding Beyond Gourmet Coffee | SM188A
Glenn Carrol, Victoria Chang, David Hoyt, Hayagreeva Rao2010
GlobeOp (B), Organizing for Hedge Fund Growth, 2003 to 2008 | OD6B
Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang2009
Maria Yee Inc.: Making 'Green' Furniture in China | SI110
Glenn Carroll, Maria Shao2009
GlobeOp: Enabling Hedge Funds, 2000-2003 (A) | OD6A
Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang, David Modest2008
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (Abridged) | OB53A
Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang, Jennifer Chatman2005
Cocoa Pete's Chocolate Adventures (Abridged) | E187
Glenn Carroll, Greg Powell2004
Note on the U.S. Chocolate Market | E188
Glenn Carroll, Greg Powell2004
Cocoa Pete's Chocolate Adventures | E153
Glenn Carroll, Greg Powell2003
Wind River Systems (A) | OD3A
William Barnett, Glenn Carroll, Greg Powell2002
Wind River Systems (B) | OD3B
William Barnett, Glenn Carroll, Greg Powell2002
Agilent Technologies: Organizational Change (A) | OD1A
William Barnett, Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang2001
Agilent Technologies: Organizational Change (B) | OD1B
William Barnett, Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang2001
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (A) | OB35A
Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang2001
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (B) | OB35B
Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang2001
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream | OB35C
Glenn Carroll, Victoria Chang, Jennifer Chatman2000
Mendocino Brewing Company (A) | SM15
William Barnett, Glenn Carroll, Wendy Harrington1995

Teaching Materials

  • Critical Analytical Thinking PDF
    The Critical Analytical Thinking (CAT) course provides a setting for students to further develop and hone the skills needed to analyze complex issues and make forceful and well-grounded arguments. In 16-18 person sections, you will analyze, write about, and debate a set of topics that encompass the types of problems managers must confront. In doing this CAT will enhance your ability to identify critical questions when exploring challenging business issues. The emphasis will be on developing reasoned positions and making sound and compelling arguments that support those positions.
  • Leading Through Culture (OB518) PDF
    This course examines organization culture ---how and why managers can use culture to maximize results within an organization, and how culture can undermine results. The course begins by situating cultural leadership and management within a culture-shaping framework and the opportunities, obligations and methods for leaders to impact culture. It also focuses on what is different in cultural management and why so many contemporary firms attempt to use it. We analyze the relationship between culture and strategy, seeking alignment between the two. The course also explores different kinds of cultures seen in high performing and low performing organizations, and seeks to understand how cultural content affects behavior and business results. Students will be asked to describe and define the culture of an organization needed for a given business and strategy, and to define the role of executives in shaping culture. The class identifies and analyzes the tools or levers that leaders can use to build an effective culture. We will spend a session on each of the following: culture and strategy alignment, architecture for shaping culture, selecting people for cultural alignment, aligning organizational practices, culture and society, cultural inflection points from start-up to scale, cultural aspects of high performance and cultural diagnostics. The course will end with a session on culture issues in merger and acquisition.

Conferences, Talks, and Speaking Engagements

Stanford University Affiliations

Stanford GSB

  • Organizational Behavior Group

Greater Stanford University

  • Professor (by courtesy), Departmenf of Sociology, 2000-present

Service to the Profession

Editor or Editorial Board

  • Consulting Editor, Sociological Science, 2013-present
  • Editorial Board, Organization Science, 2004-present
  • Editorial Board, Organization Studies, 2003-present
  • Editorial Council, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2002-2008
  • Editorial Board, California Management Review, 1988-2005
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 1989-1997
  • Associate Editor, American Sociological Review, 1989-1991; 1994-1996
  • Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology, 1990-1994
  • Editorial Board, European Sociological Review, 1990-1994
  • Editorial Board, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1983-1989
  • Advisory Editor, Sociological Methodology, 1984-86
  • Board of Reviewers, Industrial Relations, 1987-2000

Advisory Board

  • International Academic Advisory Board, Russian Management Journal, 2004-present
  • Advisory Board, Evolutionary Theories in the Social Sciences Web Page (, 1999-present
  • International Advisory Panel, School of Business, National University of Singapore, 2008

External Affiliations

  • Chair (part-time), Durham Business School, Durham University, Durham, U.K. (2004-)

In the Media

Financial Times, April 24, 2015
Comments on merger of artisanal producers
Stanford Business, July 18, 2014
Business founding rates and the Hong Kong Handover of 1997
BsuinessWire, June 3, 2014
Consumers value more highly those products they perceive as being more authentic as opposed to mass-produced.
Stanford Business, January 2014
New research explores the impact of gay-owned businesses on anti-discrimination laws.
Globe and Mail, February 29, 2007
Organizational culture and its dynamics
Viewpoint, October 2006
Discusses book on culture and demography

Insights by Stanford Business

April 30, 2015
Those in the know share where to go to learn more about reward and related topics.
April 30, 2015
Five Stanford scholars share their insights on the topic of reward.
September 2, 2014
When it comes to choosing a restaurant, consumers often value “the real thing” more than cleanliness.
July 15, 2014
New research says start-up activity declined after the handover, compared to what it should have been had things remained the same.
June 3, 2014
Researchers find that when consumers assess products, they really want the real thing.
January 29, 2014
New research explores the impact of gay-owned businesses on anti-discrimination laws.
October 1, 2013
A game-changing idea can win or lose depending on how quickly the consumer “gets” it.
October 1, 2006
A scholar explains why it is critical to understand companies' norms, beliefs, and values.
August 1, 2002
Researchers explain how industries dominated by large firms actually create an environment where smaller specialists can thrive.
August 1, 2002
Researchers in the growing field of organizational ecology say it's vital to look at the entire life cycle of the business, including the failures.