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Latest Stories in Global Business

January 14, 2016

Want Your Company to Have Impact? Ask These Four Questions

You need more than a good idea to change the world.
December 9, 2015

Seven Lessons on Investing in China’s Tech Sector

Big data and e-commerce in China provide opportunities for foreign investors.
December 8, 2015

Stefan Reichelstein: Paris May Be the Last Best Chance on Climate Change

A Stanford scholar shows why the critics are wrong.
October 26, 2015

How the Habitat for Humanity CEO Moved Beyond Houses

During his tenure, Jonathan Reckford has pushed the nonprofit into advocacy, disaster relief, and sustainability.
October 21, 2015

How Much Does Venture Capital Drive the U.S. Economy?

Two scholars measure the economic impact of VC-funded companies.
September 23, 2015

Emrecan Dogan: “Success Is the Product of Constant Reiteration”

The CEO of ScoreBeyond explains how entrepreneurs must rewire their brains.
September 22, 2015

Are Management Practices Changing in Developing Economies?

Workers who feel a sense of belonging stay in their jobs longer.
August 19, 2015

Andrew Meade: “A Firm With Great Teamwork Will Eventually Outrun Its Competition”

The founder of a U.S. construction company spent a year coaching West African business leaders. Here’s what he taught them.
July 23, 2015

Victor Koo: Venture Capital Firms are Proliferating in China

Youku Tudou CEO on micro movies and other ways Chinese directors are leveraging the internet.
July 10, 2015

Darrell Duffie: China’s Risky Effort to Prop Up Stocks

The country could be creating false confidence that hurts the market later.