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Browse or search publications from Stanford GSB faculty.

S. Christian Wheeler, Taly Reich
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology .

Publication commas

Amir Goldberg, Michael T. Hannan, Balazs Kovacs
American Sociological Review. April

Publication commas

Nicholas E. Donatiello, David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series. Corporate Governance Research Initiative, Rock Center for Corporate Governance, March

Publication commas

Stephen Comello, Stefan J. Reichelstein
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. March

Publication commas

2016, Vol. 55, Issue March 2016, Pages 591–602
David F. Larcker, Nicholas E. Donatiello, Brian Tayan
CGRI Survey Series. Corporate Governance Research Initiative, Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance, February

Publication commas

David F. Larcker, John T. Thompson, Nicholas E. Donatiello, Brian Tayan
CGRI Survey Series. Corporate Governance Research Initiative, Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Heidrick & Struggles, February

Publication commas

Lisa De Simone
Journal of Accounting and Economics. February

Publication commas

2016, Vol. 61, Issue 1, Pages 145-165
Ruchi Sinha, Niranjan Sivanthan, Lindred Leura Greer, Donald Conlon, Jeffery Edwards
Journal of Applied Psychology.

Publication commas

2016, Vol. in press
Murat Taracki, Lindred Leura Greer, Patrick Groenen
Journal of Applied Psychology.

Publication commas

2016, Vol. 101, Pages 415-429
Meir Shemla, Bertolt Meyer, Lindred Leura Greer, Karen A. Jehn
Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Publication commas

2016, Vol. 37, Pages S89-S106
Justin M. Berg
Administrative Science Quarterly (forthcoming).

Publication commas

Adina Sterling
American Bar Foundation’s Research Group on Legal Diversity.

Publication commas

Bianca Beersma, Lindred Leura Greer, Sandar Dalenberg, Carsten De Dreu
Group Dynamics.

Publication commas

2016, Vol. 20, Pages 16-33
Omar Besbes, Yonatan Gur, Assaf Zeevi
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

Publication commas

2016, Vol. 18 (1), Pages 15-33
Myra H. Strober
Wage Justice: Comparable Worth and the Paradox of Technocratic Reform . Science,

Publication commas

Shai Bernstein, Albert Sheen
Review of Financial Studies (forthcoming).

Publication commas

Zakary Tormala
Current Opinion in Psychology.

Publication commas

2016, Vol. 10, Pages 6-11
Steven Grenadier, Andrey Malenko, Nadya Malenko
The American Economic Review.

Publication commas

Mericcan Usta, Lawrence M. Wein
PLOS. December

Publication commas

29, 2015, Vol. 10, Issue 12
Abbas Kazerouni, Laura J. Burns, Lawrence M. Wein
Microbiome. December

Publication commas

17, 2015, Vol. 3(1), Issue 75