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The Effect of Cultural Orientation on Persuasion

The Effect of Cultural Orientation on Persuasion

Jennifer Aaker, Duraiaraj Maheswaran
Journal of Consumer Research. December
1997, Vol. 24, Issue 3, Pages 315-328

The objective of this research is to assess the cross-cultural generalizability of persuasion effects predicted by dual process models. In two experiments, the impact of motivation, congruity of persuasive communication and the diagnosticity of heuristic cues on the processing strategies and product evaluations of members of a collectivist culture were compared with findings documented in past research in individualist cultures. This research supports the view that perceptual differences in cue diagnosticity account for systematic differences in persuasive affects across cultures. It is also suggested that existing theoretical frameworks, specifically the dual process models of persuasion, are robust across cultures and can help predict and explain cultural differences.