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Media Coverage

Jan 28 2016 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
Brain scientists have devised an algorithm that spontaneously decodes human conscious thought at the speed of experience.
Jan 25 2016 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
As the founding director of Stanford’s Headache and Facial Pain Clinic, and a migraine sufferer himself, Robert Cowan, MD, is well-positioned to offer headache guidance (and insight for outsiders like me).
Jan 23 2016 |
The more mankind uncovers the secrets of nature, the more we realise how parallels to the human condition exist in other life forms. Among them is the social structure of the humble ant, the subject of this interview with Deborah Gordon, Professor of Biology at Stanford University, an exclusive US...
Jan 22 2016 | World Economic Forum
As neuroscientists decipher the workings of the brain, new questions will be raised about decoding memories, ascertaining intentions and defusing criminal behaviour. What if neuro-evidence is invited into the courtroom?
Jan 22 2016 | World Economic Forum
As emerging technologies open up new prospects for enhancing health and productivity, how can we ensure that our humanity and humanness are not lost?
Jan 22 2016 | Yahoo! News
Then, in May 2013, Paul received the diagnosis that made that confrontation even more direct. The doctor became the patient, an unsettling experience that he bore with a mix of optimism and reflection. He wrote: “Shouldn’t terminal illness, then, be the perfect gift to that young man who had wanted...
Jan 21 2016 | Worldview
Will neuroscience revolutionize the practice of criminal law? Might it fundamentally change the criminal justice system by undercutting the notion of “free will” once and for all?
Jan 20 2016 | The Atlantic
Part of it depends on whether they believe personality is fixed or constantly changing.
Jan 19 2016 | World Economic Forum
Imagine a world with less expensive and more resilient crops, plants that can meet the world’s need for liquid biofuels, no more malaria-carrying mosquitos, real blue roses, living woolly mammoths, unicorns and a few devastating new plagues.
Jan 19 2016 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
About 400,000 people in the United States are affected by multiple sclerosis (often referred to by the acronym MS), an autoimmune disorder in which rogue immune cells attack the insulating layer surrounding many nerve cells in the central nervous system.
Jan 19 2016 | World Economic Forum
Learning about how ants organize their collective behavior may help us to understand other systems.
Jan 11 2016 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
The Stanford Neuroscience Health Center officially opened its doors.
Jan 8 2016 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
Now we can start asking interesting questions about impulse control and gambling.
Jan 6 2016 | Inside Bay Area
That lottery fever sweeping the country in anticipation of Saturday night's record $900 million Powerball drawing? Scientists have a name for it: dopamine.
Jan 4 2016 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
Stanford researchers recently published in Science have shown in rats that hyperactivity in the medial prefrontal cortex reduces signaling between key components of the reward circuitry and impairs rats’ reward-seeking behavior.
Dec 19 2015 | IFLScience
It’s particularly rare that it’s the scientists themselves being examined, but one Stanford psychologist decided to do just that by monitoring his own brain activity for a year and a half.
Dec 17 2015 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
William Talbot, PhD, started out studying how caterpillars become butterflies. Now a professor of developmental biology, his research focuses on the formation of myelin, that all-important sheath that protects nerve fibers and speeds the transmission of messages.
Dec 17 2015 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
When Stanford’s original main quad was built 125 years ago, it was with the intent of bringing faculty together in its outdoor spaces and walkways. From its inception, the university was a place where faculty were encouraged to collaborate across disciplines.
Dec 16 2015 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
At 44, Stanford bioengineer/neuroscientist Karl Deisseroth, MD, PhD, has achieved more success and accolades than most scientists receive in their lifetime.
Dec 14 2015 | Stanford Medicine - Scope
Last week, Stanford Health Care, in partnership with the Stanford School of Medicine, cut the ribbons to officially open the new Stanford Neuroscience Health Center for outpatient care.
