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REAL wellness: It’s What's New in Wellness Today

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REAL wellness: It’s What's New in Wellness Today

By Don Ardell, SEP ’73
Create Space, September 3, 2010

Donald B. Ardell wrote High Level Wellness: An Alternative to Doctors, Drugs and Disease 35 years ago! A movement has grown up around the term. Yet, Don believes it’s time to move beyond what wellness has become — a broad catch-all term for prevention, for services, for products, and for other matters that are not wellness in nature at all.

In this update, Don describes what REAL wellness is about — and how to shape your lifestyle and mindset in a very good way. How? With a philosophy and value system founded on reason, exuberance, athleticism, and liberty for a purposeful, high quality, and meaningful life. This book deals with perspective, personal freedoms, exercise and diet, service to self and others, motivation for employees, the history of the wellness movement and, far more important, a model for the future from both a personal and a societal perspective. As with Don’s others books and his 600-some newsletters since 1984, REAL wellness is great fun to read, provocative, and timely. This is a book you will want to highlight with markers, write notes in the margins, and bend pages for later re-reading and then, just before it falls apart, give it as a gift to a good friend.

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