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2015 Year in Review

The Year in Review is an annual update for our alumni, friends, and community about the work we are doing to advance Stanford GSB’s priorities in business, management, and leadership education.

2015 Year in Review: Stanford Graduate School of Business
2015 Year in Review
Dean Garth Saloner provides an overview of Stanford GSB's achievements and opportunities for advancing the school’s core mission.

We remain focused on delivering experiences to our students that will transform them into leaders who have the skills to change lives, organizations, and the world. The work we do every day reflects our commitment to keep us at the forefront of management education. As we strengthen our core programs and the student experience at home, we continue to reach into international markets so that we can bring insights to our students, provide research opportunities for faculty, and keep us connected to dynamic trends in global business. We hope you enjoy reading about a few of the activities we have been working on.