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Reducing & Reusing
Get Started
To begin reducing and reusing, start by taking a look at what is actually in your trash cans. Consider if it can be reused, replaced with reusable materials, or eliminated from use altogether. We’ve listed a few tips to help you get started, and you may find many more opportunities to reduce or reuse that are specific to your school.

Reduce Use of Disposables

Whether it’s in the teacher’s lounge, the school cafeteria, or at a special event, using disposable cups, plates and utensils can quickly add up to lots of waste. Compostable items are good (if you have compost service), but reusable food service ware is best. Schools can purchase reusable lunch trays, cups, utensils, and a dishwasher to implement a reusable food service ware program.

Use Reused Supplies and Donate Surplus Supplies
Resource Area For Teaching (RAFT) accepts donations of materials which can be used for classroom projects and provides them to teachers for free. If you find yourself in need of supplies, before you buy, check with to see if they have what you need. Also, if you have extra materials, find out if another teacher on-site would like to use them. If not, you can donate them to RAFT.