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Open Government
Access to City Government, Services & Resources
The City of San José is committed to open and transparent government and strives to consistently meet its community’s expectations by providing excellent service in a positive, timely, and transparent manner. It is the duty of City government to serve the public, reaching its decisions and conducting its activities in full view of the public.

The Open Government section is intended to serve as a portal to information on the City of San José website and to facilitate access to City government and its services. It is also meant to provide members of the public with tools and resources to help improve understanding of their rights regarding public records, public meetings, and other aspects of open government.

Records Available On-Line   
Public Calendars
Make A Public Records Request or Contact the Open Government Manager
Ethics And Open Government Provisions - Ordinance No. 29460
Public Records Request Fees - Citywide Fee Schedule (starts on page 6)