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Recovery Act
2009 Recovery Act
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) to stimulate the faltering economy and specifically to create or save 3.5 million jobs over the next two years. This large and complex $787 billion stimulus package provides $288 billion in tax relief, $144 billion in state and local fiscal relief, and $355 billion for federal social and spending programs.

Implementation of this package must be carried out by a myriad of federal, state, and local government entities on an extremely accelerated timetable, and expenditure of funds will require an unprecedented degree of transparency and accountability. To this end, this website is designed to provide the public with the ability to monitor the ongoing efforts by the City of San José to secure recovery funds as well as review how the City utilizes recovery dollars.

What's New
The City of San José is moving aggressively to implement projects and programs funded by the Recovery Act. As of June 2011, the City expects to receive approximately $108 million in Recovery Act funds through a combination of formula and competitive allocations. In the two years since President Obama signed the Recovery Act into law, the City has expended nearly $60 million on Recovery Act activities, while creating more than 980 direct jobs in the process.

This website highlights the many community-serving initiatives that will benefit from these Recovery Act funds, such as job training and counseling services to youths and adults, investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as improvements to the City’s infrastructure.

Recovery Act Funds Working For Us
Earlier this year, work2future, the Workforce Investment Board for the City of San José and the surrounding region, completed implementation of several programs funded by the Department of Labor through the Recovery Act to support eligible activities under the Workforce Investment Act. Funds were used by work2future to provide a variety of support services, including occupational skills training, job readiness workshops, as well as placement and counseling services to more than 3,200 adult and dislocated workers over the past two years.

In addition, Recovery Act funds helped to support summer work experience programs that served over 1,000 eligible youth clients between the ages of 15-24 in 2009 and 2010. Youth participants in the summer programs completed work readiness training designed to enhance their employment skills, while earning more than $3.6 million in wages during the two-year period.