Community Coordinators

New Student Orientation Community Coordinators

New Student Orientation strives to acclimate each entering freshman and transfer class to life at Stanford by introducing them to the University's diverse educational opportunities and resources; acquainting them with other students and University staff; helping them feel at home in their residential community; and creating in them a sense of place in Stanford's history as contributing members. Community centers and programs play a vital role in NSO as one of the major program providers in supporting new students and their families. Working under the supervision of the staff at the pertinent centers or programs, NSO Community Coordinators (CCs) play a significant role in the planning and execution of each community’s NSO programs while also gaining valuable leadership skills. The specific events for which CCs are responsible vary depending on the community, but all CCs will interact with different Stanford groups in order to plan and execute these programs, including student volunteers, center and department staff, faculty, and alumni. Undergraduate students who will be enrolled for the 2016-17 academic year are eligible to apply for a CC position.  Early arrival housing and dining will be provided to students with on-campus housing arrangements for the 2016-17 academic year.

NSO Communities & Community Centers/Programs:

  • Asian American New Student Orientation Committee (AANSOC) - Asian American Activities Center - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • Black Recruitment and Orientation Committee (BROC) - Black Community Services Center - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • Chicano/Latino Orientation Committee (CLOC) - El Centro Chicano y Latino - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • First Generation Orientation Committee (FGOC) - Diversity and First Gen Office - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • International Student Orientation Committee (ISOC) - Bechtel International Center - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • LGBT Community Resources Center* - Contact the LGBT-CRC for information about the Flourish Mentor position - Apply by 4 p.m. on Monday, April 4
  • Native American Orientation Committee (NAOC) - American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Program/Native American Cultural Center - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • Religious Life Orientation Committee (RLOC)Office for Religious Life - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • Transfer Student Program - Apply by Thursday, April 14
  • Women’s Community Center* - Contact the WCC for information for the NSO/Academic Coordinator position - Apply by Friday, April 15

Apply to be a CC for NSO 2016

CC applications are due Thursday, April 14, by 9 a.m. for all communities/programs except the LGBT-CRC and the WCC -- see details above.

About the Position

In the spring and summer, Community Coordinators will work approximately 2-5 hours/week, at the discretion of the center or program, planning for their NSO programs and preparing their summer communication.  CCs must stay in regular contact with NSO staff over the summer to complete logistical arrangements, submit work orders, answer questions, make decisions, and adjust plans as necessary. Typically, responsibilities in the spring and summer may include: 

  • attend a required CC training session with NSO staff (dates TBD)
  • attend a required NSO Volunteer Team Training session with NSO staff (Thursday, May 19, 5 - 6 p.m., or Friday, May 20, 12 - 1 p.m.)
  • meet with center/program staff to outline NSO programs
  • plan and communicate budget and logistical needs for all events to NSO staff
  • assist with recruitment and selection of Community Orientation Volunteers (COVs)
  • organize planning meeting(s)/communication with selected COVs and other student leaders
  • invite faculty, staff, and alumni to NSO receptions and programs (as needed)
  • prepare summer communications for new students

In autumn, CCs must return to campus on Friday, September 16, and should expect to work full-time from that date through the end of NSO on Sunday, September 25. During this time CCs will facilitate meetings to organize community programs, implement logistical plans outlined in the spring and summer, assist with other aspects of general NSO preparations, and continue to work with their designated community until all NSO and post-NSO events have concluded. A final report of the CC’s efforts and recommendations for future years is due to NSO staff no later than October 31, 2016.

While each CC's time commitment will vary, significant work is required for all CCs and they may not hold a residence staff/house manager leadership position (e.g., RA, RCC, PHE) in 2016-17 or enroll in or participate in any pre-fall programs (e.g., Sophomore College, Bing Honors College, Arts Intensive, Leadership Intensive, Public Policy, SPOT leader) in September 2016. The requirements and training required for both CC work and all of these other opportunities directly conflict in September, and students who try to manage both have not been successful.

Each center/program determines how it will compensate its CC(s). The stipend will be distributed by Undergraduate Advising and Research upon receipt of each CC's final report. UAR will provide early arrival housing and dining in September (Friday, September 16 – Wednesday, September 21, 2016), as long as CCs have an on-campus housing assignment in autumn.


For questions about a specific CC position, please contact the center or program with which you would like to work.   For questions about NSO more generally, please contact :  

Anna Stone
Assistant Director of New Student Programs
Undergraduate Advising and Research
(650) 725-9531


Other opportunities to participate in NSO