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Invite Students to your Workplace

Help bridge the road between campus and the world outside. Bring Stanford to your workspace! Invite a group of Stanford students to your organization by becoming part of our BEAM Treks. Or invite individual students to shadow at your workplace during a school break. Alumni play a vital role in making these hands-on learning opportunities available to current students.


career trek logo

BEAM Treks

Treks are one of BEAM’s signature programs. They are popular with students because they serve as a catalyst to consider new and different workplaces and career paths. During a typical trek, a small group of students spend approximately one to two hours with you touring the office, talking with you about your work at the organization, and learning about any available internship & employment oportunities. 


job shadowing

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is an opportunity for a Stanford student to gain insight into company culture, workspace, and ethos in a condensed timeframe, typically just 1-5 days. Hosting a student at your workplace, gives them an invaluable glimpse into what an industry or job function really feels like in practice. Students not only see what a specific job would entail, but also how work environments differ from each other.




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