Research & Conference Grants

We aim to encourage students to undertake rigorous work in international studies, with the dual goals of contributing to scholarship and enhancing student training.

Research and Conference Grants

  • About
  • Small Research and Conference Grants
  • Large Research Grants
  • Rolling Grant Application
  • Eligibility
  • FAQs


To support research on international studies conducted by CDDRL and CISAC undergraduate and graduate students, FSI GOES provides funding for student-initiated research and for student participation in conferences.

The awards are made through a competitive process, with a faculty committee evaluating student proposals and choosing awardees. 

Small Research and Conference Grants

During fall quarter, FSI offers small research grants of up to $1,500 to partially or completely fund research projects for CDDRL or CISAC undergraduate honors students and graduate students who are using advanced analytical methods in their work. FSI also offers conference travel grants of up to $500 for students who are presenting at a conference relations to international studies. Applications for fall 2017 will open on October 1, 2017. The deadline to apply will be October 31, 2017.

Applications for both small research and conference grants may be accepted on a rolling basis. 

Large Research Grants

During winter quarter, FSI offers grants of up to $9,000 to fund research-related travel for CDDRL and CISAC undergraduate honors students and graduate students who are using advanced analytical methods in their work. Applicants must work with a FSI faculty advisor to develop a coherent research plan, conduct fieldwork abroad, and synthesize their data upon their return to campus. Graduate students may apply for a travel grant of up to $9,000. CDDRL and CISAC undergraduate honors students may apply for a grant of up to $6,400. These funds must primarily cover travel costs, but can secondarily be used to cover research expenses, fees for services rendered, and other field expenses incurred by the student.

Rolling Grant Application

FSI will consider rolling submissions for small grant funding as needed throughout the calendar year, provided the student offers a detailed explanation as to why the submission is being submitted off-cycle. To apply, please send the required application documents to Katie Kuruc (


  • All research must have an international focus, but all students are encouraged to apply.
  • Students must be working under the mentorship of a FSI senior fellow or center fellow. 
  • For graduate student applicants, strong preference is given to dissertation research of Ph.D. candidates.
  • Undergraduate applicants must be in the either the Center on Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law (CDDRL), or the Center for International Security And Cooperation (CISAC) honors programs. 
  • When additional funds are needed, students must demonstrate the availability of matching funding from other sources, such as departmental funding, faculty research accounts, personal funding, etc.


1. Do I need to submit an official transcript of official transcript?

Please submit your unofficial transcripts up to the current quarter's classes.

2. Do I need to have an FSI faculty mentor?

Yes, you must have an FSI senior or center fellow as a mentor to look over your proposal. For FSI's small research grants, your faculty mentor must submit an email stating that they have consulted with you about your proposal. For FSI's large research grants, your faculty mentor must write a letter of recommendation. Your faculty mentor must directly email Katie Kuruc ( directly by the application deadline.

3. How do I know if I need IRB approval? 

Please refer to Stanford's Research and Compliance Office website to determine if your research needs IRB approval. 

4. Can I be in another undergraduate honors program other than the CDDRL or CISAC honors programs to apply?

Applications from undergraduates will only be accepted by CDRRL and CISAC honors students.

Fall Deadline

October 31, 2017

Spring Deadline

Application deadline will be announced during winter quarter, 2018.

Research and Conference Grants Blog

Read more about how our research and conference grant recipients have used their funding to elevate their research.