Sarah Soule in the classroom.
Our faculty members rigorously pursue research at the leading edge of their fields, and are passionate about developing global business leaders.
Students meet outside after class.
From the small class sizes to the high-caliber cohort, the academic experience is designed to promote deeper learning and engagement.
 View From the Top with Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo and moderated by Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart.
The world’s top business names visit Stanford GSB regularly as guest speakers, providing real-world insight into critical management issues.

Academic Experience

Step outside your comfort zone. Tap into the innovation engine that powers Stanford and Silicon Valley. Access the minds who’ve nurtured and educated many of the world’s most successful business leaders.

Your executive education experience will help you discover an invaluable catalyst for positive change in yourself, your company, and your career.

Faculty Research Meets Real-World Experience

Our faculty members, who also teach in our MBA program, are recognized experts in the global business community. Drawing on their own research as well as current trends in business thinking, they combine research-based knowledge with real-world experiences, covering a wide range of topics that reflect the most critical challenges facing global business leaders.

Complementing our core faculty, the world’s top business names visit Stanford GSB regularly. Through lectures, courses taught in partnership with faculty, and a variety of other forums, guest speakers provide invaluable real-world insight into critical management issues.

Designed for Engagement

From the small class sizes to the high-caliber cohort, our programs are designed to promote deeper learning and engagement. Professors are available before and after their sessions to talk with participants and engage in the innovative, experiential learning for which Stanford is celebrated.

Lectures, business simulations, and small group discussions foster collaboration with peers from around the globe and across various functions, industries, and cultural backgrounds. During meals, study groups, and evening breaks, you will exchange ideas and perspectives from the day’s learning.

Cross-School Collaboration

There is power in collaboration, especially when you are at Stanford, where seven world-class schools reside on a single campus. Many of our programs bring in faculty from Stanford Graduate School of Education, Stanford Law School, Stanford School of Engineering, Stanford School of Medicine, and the Hasso Plattner School of Design ( to increase your exposure and enhance your experience.

A Diverse Participant Population

Participants arrive from more than 140 countries, with varying educational, professional, and social backgrounds.

Our collaborative educational process benefits from these diverse backgrounds, encouraging a range of perspectives and a range of approaches to real-world problems. This diversity encompasses personal experiences and goals, culture, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and more.


Past Participant Spotlight
Executive VP and General Counsel, Valero Energy

“Stanford fosters an environment for collaboration where you have an opportunity to really engage with your fellow participants and discuss and learn from each other’s challenges. The diverse background of the participants makes for a richer experience.”


Past Participant Spotlight
CEO, Cathay Pacific Catering Services

“Stanford faculty members are leading thinkers in their fields, and the personal access to a speaker like George Shultz, one of the most impressive people I’ve ever heard, was both exceptional and a real privilege.”